Dino Super Charge Episode 10 “Gone Fishin'” Review

Episode Review

“Gone Fishin'” gives us a little bit of filler and little bit of plot progression with the introduction of the Titano Zord and Silver Ranger. While the episode is a Riley focus episode his character goes no further than it was in previous episodes. I feel as if his character has been given multiple chances to change the way he acts towards his friends and certain situations but he continuously reverts back. Let’s take a look back at the episode’s highs and lows.


Riley’s Competitiveness: Here is what I was talking about in my intro. Riley has had this competitive spirit throughout both halves of Dino Charge and it either gets ahead of him or gets him in some sort of trouble. We saw this story already in “Forgive & Forget” when he cheated using his Energem, slightly in “When Logic Fails” and then AGAIN in “Home Run Koda” when he tries to take over Koda’s Baseball career. It was even apparent in “The Tooth Hurts” when he was over-analyzing the cake samples! It has become a bit annoying when he has not really learned anything as a character at this point. What became even more irritating with his character is that even now at the end of this episode, after saving his brother I don’t think that after learning this lesson that anything will change. (and this is a problem with Dino Charge as I’ve mentioned in previous reviews because most of the lessons are handed to them.) During this entire episode Riley did get a little snotty and it was hard to like him as it represents why it was hard to warm up to him throughout most of the series. Riley most likely is my least liked of the main 6 because of these reasons. He has had his funny, cute and emotional moments don’t get me wrong but  a lot of those get erased when we are faced going backwards when we get a focus episode like this.
However, what I did like about Riley in this episode was his fighting spirit to rescue his brother which did help his character forward. At least, Matt attempted to teach his little brother a lesson about just having fun while fishing instead of being so serious.


I just wanted to show you Koda with some fish.


The Silver Transmission: It was rather interesting to hear that the Titano Zord made its way from space and then into the bottom of the lake. I was very happy to finally to hear from the Silver Ranger, but I gotta say that I wasn’t very happy with the sound of the Silver Ranger’s voice. It just wasn’t my cup of tea. Sort of sounded like the a chirpy version of the Omega Ranger. Hopefully I’ll get used to it, but I look forward to more from the Silver Ranger saga.


Extra Ranger Fight Scene: This fight scene and choreography was just fantastic and to see the Extra Rangers morph and fight alongside Tyler was just awesome! It’s amazing scenes like this that I love to see in Power Rangers that make it worth watching both the Sentai and the adaptation!


 Worms!: How funny was this scene, but honestly you two! How could you mistake worms for noodles? That’s just nasty!


Unearthing the Titano Zord: When Keeper appears out of no where (seriously, we need to put a bell on him! :P) it was a rather awesome scene to see the power of all the Dinosaurs used to drain the lake and unearth the Titano Zord! The magic of the scene was really cool to watch! Plus, Keeper was ready tho throw down with Fury and I love how tough he is! I’ve always loved that the Titano Zord gathers all the large Dino Chargers to power it up!


Rangers Fight: This episode had two amazing fight scenes and the second was just as good, plus we got to see some more from Poisandra and Curio who had been missing for a while!


Titano Charge Megazord Powers: The Sentai footage used here is just beautiful and I was very happy with the fact that they were able to use the individual powers of the Dino Chargers of the monsters which I think is a very cool addition!


Heckyl Vs Singe: The plot thickens! Throughout the episode Singe knew that the Titano Zord was buried under the lake and Heckyl was very suspicious! The two attacked each other towards the end of the episode and Heckyl ordered him destroyed! Then, Singe takes off in his shiny disco ball ship.


James is Outtie: The episode ended with James heading out in search of the enemy’s base. That Dad sure don’t stick around does he?


While I was slightly annoyed with the repetitiveness of Riley’s competitiveness I really enjoyed the episode because of the introduction of the Silver Ranger and the Titano Zord. Poisandra and Curio made a reappearance, Chase and Shelby ate worms, we got some great original footage and the villain plot was pushed forward! All together it was a pretty interesting episode! I can’t wait for next week!

*Reviewers note: Scores will no longer be included as they are basically useless.