Camille, Green Chameleon Warrior

Name: Camille
Ranger: Green Chameleon Warrior
Actor: Holly Shanahan
Episodes: 32
First Appearance: “Welcome To The Jungle: Part 1″
Last Appearance: “Now The Final Fury”
Sentai: Juken Sentai Gekiranger

Character Bio

Camille is a human-looking female warrior with chameleon traits and a loyal follower of Dai Shi. She eagerly awaited her masters return for centuries and once he returns to Dai Shi Temple after possessing Jarrod’s body, she gains romantic feelings for Dai Shi, attempting to gain his favor in any way possible. She also tries to prove her loyalty to Dai Shi by destroying Naja when he attempts to overthrow Dai Shi and revives Jellica when Carnisoar’s training methods are too brutal. Camille is an accomplished fighter in her own right, being able to transform into a chameleon-like monster form. After the Phantom Beast are revived and join the Dai Shi Clan, Camille attempts to obtain some Rinzin for herself and eventually becomes a Phantom Beast General herself, gaining the ability to transform into a phoenix-like form. After the Phantom Beast Generals attempt to destroy Camille due to her connection to Jarrod, she questions her place in the Dai Shi Clan and also question her romantic feelings. This come into full effect when Camille sacrifice all of her Rinzin to save Jarrod and joins the side of good in The Final Beast War. After Dai Shi is destroyed, Camille enrolls in Pai Zhuq Academy with Jarrod.


Life Talons
Camille uses two of the three Life Talons to resurrect Jellica, the Sea Overlord & Grizzaka, the Land Overlord.


Chameleon Animal Spirit
The Chameleon Animal Spirit is the personal Animal Spirit of Camille. The Chameleon Animal Spirit can transform into a chameleon-like zord that becomes the personal zord of Camille while in her Chameleon Armor.


Chameleon Sai
The Chameleon Sai are twin sai-like weapons used by Camille.


Phantom Beast General
“Tigers Fall, Lions Rise” to “Path Of The Righteous”
Camille is given the ability to assume this phoenix-like armor when she becomes a Phantom Beast General.


Blonde Disguise
Episode: “Pushed To The Edge”
Camille disguises herself as a blonde woman to get some food at Jungle Karma Pizza and also gets advice from Lily Chilman that inspires her to revive Jellica.

First Beast War
Episode: “Friends Don’t Fade Away”
Camille donned at different hairstyle during the First Beast War.

Black Hair Disguise I
Episode: “Dash For The Dagger”
Camille disguises herself as a black haired woman to obtain the Control Dagger.

Black Hair Disguise II
Episode: “Arise The Crystal Eyes”
Camille disguises herself as a black haired woman to obtain the Crystal Eyes.

Game Show Hostess
Episode: “Don’t Blow That Dough”
Camille disguises herself as a game show hostess to assist Cheese McAllister in destroying the Jungle Fury Rangers.

Pai Zhuq Uniform
Episode: “Now The Final Fury”
Camille wears a Pai Zhuq uniform when she enrolls at Pai Zhuq Academy as a beginner student.