Cube Komori Review – The Ranger Talk Reviews


Cube Komori Review

The 40th season of Sentai, “Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger”, has premiered and the toys are being released. This season’s theme is cubes. The zords are numbered cubes that combine in formations of threes. There are also auxillary cubes (!) that double as weapons. It seems that with every mecha combination a new one is created to fit the needs of that mecha. Cube Komori seems to have been created for Toisai Zyuoh (7+8+8) as well as Wild Tosia King (1-9 + 4!). Cube Komori is a Bat with a batarang gimmick. This cube is the last cube needed to create Wild Tosai King (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+!Kirin+!Mogura+!Kuma+!Komori) Below is my review of the aforementioned Cube Komori along with Wild Tosai King! Enjoy,  and remember subscribers are always welcome. 🙂