XXVI-XXVII. Locations

Coral Harbor


Grid Battleforce Headquarters
Grid Battleforce Headquarters is a giant compound used by Grid Battleforce and the Beast Morphers Rangers as their base of operations.

Ranger Vault
The Ranger Vault is a vault in Nate Silva’s Lab that contains various Morphers & Weapons collected by Grid Battleforce.
Nate Silva used these artifacts to create the Beast Morphers Rangers own powers and weapons.

Special-Ops Hangar
The Special-Ops Hangar is a secret hangar in the outskirts of Coral Harbor that the Beast Morphers Rangers are given access to by General Burke in order for Grid Battleforce to store a captured Gigadrone.

Riptide Gym
Riptide Gym is a gym in Coral Harbor that the Beast Morphers Rangers go to train and hang out.

Channel 10 News Station
Channel 10 News Station is a news station located in Coral Harbor and is hosted by Muriel Reeves, the mother of the Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger.

Collins Industries
Collins Industries is a large conglomerate in Coral Harbor that is owned by Roxy’s aunt, Regina Collins.

Alternate Dimensions


Cyber Dimension
The Cyber Dimension is an alternate dimension that Evox, Blaze & Roxy were teleported to and the home of Scrozzle.
The Cyber Dimension is later taken over by Evox as his base of operations.
The Cyber Dimension is left dormant after Evox is presumably destroyed after he is blown up by an explosion from a Morph-X Tower.

Crystal Dimension
The Crystal Dimension is an alternate dimension that Evox makes his base of operations after the Beast Morphers Rangers figure out the location of the Cyber Dimension.
The Crystal Dimension is left vacant after Evox is destroyed by the Beast Morphers Rangers and Scrozzle hides in Corinth’s Sewers for a year.

Dino Charge Dimension
The Dino Charge Dimension is the home of the Dino Charge Rangers & Sledge’s Crew where dinosaurs never went extinct. The Dino Charge Dimension becomes a battleground when Evox travels there to build a Chimera Zord to aid him in taking over the Morphin’ Grid.