The Arsenal


Power Morpher
Morph Call: “It’s Morphin’ Time!”
The Power Morpher is the tool necessary to morph into a Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger.

Proxy Power Coins
The Proxy Power Coins are golden dino-themed coins and copies of the Original Dino Coins created by Billy Cranston & Alpha. They are used by Rocky DeSantos & Katherine Hillard to morph into Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.


Wrist Communicator
The Wrist Communicator is a watch-like device created by Billy Cranston that is worn by the Power Rangers as a communication device and as a method for teleportation.


Power Sword
The Power Sword is the personal sword-like weapon of the Red Ranger.

Power Axe
The Power Axe is the personal axe-like weapon of the Black Ranger.
The Power Axe has the ability to turn into a cannon-like weapon.

Power Lance
The Power Lance is the personal lance-like weapon of the Blue Ranger.

Power Daggers
The Power Daggers are the personal dagger-like weapons of the Yellow Ranger.

Power Bow
The Power Bow is the personal bow-like weapon of the Pink Ranger.

Blade Blaster
The Blade Blaster is a sword/blaster-like weapon used by the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.


The RADBUG 2 is a flying beetle used by Billy Cranston as his personal vehicle.
It is also used by Minh Kwan when she attempts to destroy a captured Robo Minotaur & Robo Snizzard.