The Arsenal


Cosmic Morpher
Morph Call: “Link To Morphin’ Grid”
The Cosmic Morpher is a gauntlet-like device created by Billy Cranston and is used in conjunction with a Cosmic Orb for its user to morph into a Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Dino Fury Morpher (Corrupted)
Morph Call: “Link To Morphin’ Grid”
The Corrupted Dino Fury Morpher is a corrupted version of the Dino Fury Morpher created by Scrozzle to give Ollie Akana the ability to morph into the Evil Blue Dino Fury Ranger.

Power Morpher
Morph Call: “It’s Morphin’ Time!”
The Power Morpher is the tool necessary for Billy Cranston to morph into the Mighty Morphin’ Blue Ranger.

Ninja Battle Morpher
Morph Call: “Ninja Spin!”
The Ninja Battle Morpher is the tool necessary for Mick Kanic to morph into the Red Ninja Steel Ranger.

Spino Boomerang
Morph Call: “Unleash The Power!”
The Spino Boomerang is a boomerang-like weapon used by Heckyl to morph into the Dark Dino Charge Ranger. It is also used as his personal weapon in battle.

Cosmic Orbs

Cosmic Orbs
The Cosmic Orbs are mystical orbs that are bestowed to the Cosmic Fury Rangers from the Morphin’ Grid. The Cosmic Orb are empowered with energy from dinosaurs to give its user to morph into a Cosmic Fury Ranger. 


The Communicator is a smartwatch-like device used by the Cosmic Fury Rangers as a communication device and a way to teleport from place to place.


Ankylo Hammer
The Ankylo Hammer is the personal hammer-like weapon of the Red Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Tricera Blaster
The Tricera Blaster is the personal blaster-like weapon created by Scrozzle and is used by the Evil Blue Dino Fury Ranger and the Blue Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Stego Spike Axe
The Stego Spike Axe is the personal axe-like weapon of the Black Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Tiger Claw Daggers
The Tiger Claw Daggers are the personal dagger-like weapons of the Green Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Mosa Razor Blaster
The Mosa Razor Blaster is the personal blaster-like weapon of the Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Master Staff
The Master Staff is a mystical staff formerly under the ownership of Master Red. It is used by Billy Cranston to access the Morphin’ Grid to create the Cosmic Orbs and is later used by Zayto as his personal weapon as the Zenith Cosmic Fury Ranger.

Solono Claw
The Solono Claw is the personal claw-like weapon of the Orange Cosmic Fury Ranger. The Solon Claw also has the ability to split in half while chained together.

Rafkonian Arm
The Rafkonian Arm is a cybernetic arm created by Billy Cranston & Solon in place of the arm he loses while placing the Master Staff to unlock the Cosmic Fury Zord. The Rafkonian Arm is extremely powerful, with Javi having to get used to it power to play musical instruments like the guitar.

Dark Chromafury Saber
The Dark Chromafury Saber is a navy blue sword-like weapon used by the Evil Blue Dino Fury Ranger.

Power Lance
The Power Lance is the personal lance-like weapon of the Mighty Morphin’ Blue Ranger.

Ninja Star Blade
The Ninja Star Blade is a sword-like weapon used by the Red Ninja Steel Ranger.

Cosmic Blaster
The Cosmic Blaster is a cannon-like weapon formed when the Cosmic Fury Rangers combine their Cosmic Weapons.