VIII. Allies


Zordon is an intergalactic wizard from Eltar trapped in a time warp that chooses five teens from Angel Grove to become the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. Zordon is presumably killed when Rita & Zedd destroyed the Command Center. Zordon is killed during the final battle against Rita & Zedd.

Alpha 5
Alpha 5 is a robotic assistant created by King Lexian of Edenoi to assist Zordon in the Command Center. Alpha 5 is destroyed when Rita & Zedd destroys the Command Center. Alpha 5 is destroyed during the final battle against Rita & Zedd. His remains are used by Billy Cranston to develop a recreational use for teleportation.

Angel Grove Residents

Erine is the owner of the Angel Grove Youth Center, a juice bar and gym that the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers regularly frequented as teenagers. He is also seen in the crowd for the opening of the Trini Kwan Memorial Park And Youth Center.

Bulk & Skull
Bulk & Skull are students and bullies that antagonized the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers as teenagers. They both take up jobs as police officers for the Angel Grove Police and find a young Selena Repulsa after she teleports to Earth prior to the destruction of the Moon Palace. They are later seen in the crowd for the opening of the Trini Kwan Memorial Park And Youth Center.