Power Morphicon 3 Coverage: Day 3

Day Three, Sunday August 19th, 2012

Welcome to Morphin’ Legacy’s coverage of Day 3 at Power Morphicon 3, stay tuned to this page as it updates late Sunday evening for all the coverage of the day. For instant updates, video and pictures Visit Facebook & Twitter!



I went to a lot of panels today before the end of the festivities and I certainly bought A LOT of toys before I was ready to leave!
First, was the In Space-Lightspeed Panel which had many of the unsung heroes and villains of the seasons including the new fan favorite Ron Rogge who planted such amazing tidbits such as how much he wanted to bang Ms. Fairweather and his famous quote, “My Cast Sucks”
He was always a good time during these panels and it was such a comic relief for this Morphicon first timer!

Up Next was the “Time for Wild Force” Panel which brought together 4/6 of the Wild Force Cast (Phillip Jeanmarie, Jack Guzman, Rick Medina and Jessica Rey) and two of the Reds from Time Force (Jason Faunt and Dan Southworth). This panel was really great as the cast reminisced on their team up episode as well as pranks and memories from the set.

One thing that was fantastic was that Iris Hampton, the casting director for MANY Power Rangers Seasons was in the audience (actually in front of me) and received a shout out from the entire panel for changing their lives! She was very nice and took a  few pictures with my colleague LavenderRanger!

Vernon Wells, famous himself for being late to the panels, showed up and began to make the audience laugh with his schtick! Of course, everyone loves Ransik!

The Villains panel was by far one of the best panels the entire weekend which included Sabrina Lu (Scorpina, Season 2), Christopher Cho (voice of  Dark Specter), Marshall Hilton (Les Fortunes, Beetleborgs), Neil Kaplan (voice of Diabolico), Barbara Goodson (voice of Rita Repulsa), and David Stenstrom (voice of King Mondo)!

Joining us later was Kerrigan Mahan (voice of Goldar), Derek Stephen Prince (voice of Elgar)

Of course, Robert Axelrod was there and offered his amazing voices for Lord Zedd and Finster!
What was most amazing that happened was that they were all willing to share their voices with us! Happy couple, Joe and Rachel were attendees in the audience who are getting married and asked the panel to wish them good luck in their villain voices! Look for the video on YouTube, its epic!
We also got to hear the laugh of each villain and much much more, this video is worth watching!
But the memorable quote was when Vernon Wells called Power Rangers, like Kiddie Porn! LOL!!!!!

The Scott Page-Pagter Panel
This was another panel that was 18+ and was forbidden to take video, still images were allowed but everything that was shown was in audio clips so it would’ve been useless to do so.
Catherine Sutherland, Walter Jones, Steve Cardenas, Phillip Jeanmarie, Jack Guzman and more were there to hear Scott’s ADR clips which included such memorable bites as Alpha saying, “Fuck Zordon” and David Yost proclaiming, “Fuck You, I’m Blue!”
Who can forget the serenades of Jack Guzman wooing us from the tape, or the rap stylings of Phillip Jeanmarie!
We also got to hear fight scene clips spliced together to make it sound sexual 😉
It was an all around awesome panel, but I guess you had to be there!

Photo Ops:

I pose with the Samurai Rangers!

I post with the Mighty Morphin’ Rangers!

Closing Ceremonies! 

All of the Guests who were still at the Con gathered together to say goodbye to the fans that made all of it possible! Brittany Pirtle, Najee De-Tiege and Hector David Jr were still there and said goodbye as well!
We went down the line as the actors stated their characters and season, but what was most interesting was when Herbie Baez (Beetleborgs) and Hector David Jr decided to beat box for some of the guests including Ron Rogge (who was a white man) lol and Empress Rita herself, Barbara Goodson! It was quite interesting!

There was shown a fantastic video at the closing of not only all of the Rangers in attendance calling out their Morphin Call, but the Villains using their voices to say goodbye!

Here it is via RangerCrew

After that, it was over and everyone scattered to the winds. Our time was over and it would most likely be another two years before we’d be together again.
I have to say this had to be the best 3 days of my life. From the Power Breakfast to the MegaForce cast reveal it was all insanely surreal!
I can’t wait to do it again and represent my site once more, I met a lot of the stars and made friends with them from Mike Ginn, to that awesome hug I got from HDJ, to gabbing with Alan Palmer and telling Rajia Baroudi how beautiful she was! Shaking hands with Rick Medina and holding up Phillip Jeanmarie’s surging shark jacket while professing my love for Passions! All of the new friends I made simply from only knowing their screen name, it was truly an amazing weekend and the fans out there who came up to me to shake my hand and tell me how much they love the site! I love you guys!
But to top it off on the way home the entire plane ride home I could see the Big Dipper through my window!
It was truly MEGA!