Power Morphicon 3 Coverage: Day 2

Day Two, Saturday August 18th, 2012

Welcome to Morphin’ Legacy’s coverage of Day 2 at Power Morphicon 3, stay tuned to this page as it updates late Saturday evening for all the coverage of the day. For instant updates, video and pictures Visit Facebook & Twitter!


The Power Force Breakfast
My GOD. I cannot even describe to you how amazing the exclusive Power Breakfast was. Let me walk you through for those who could not attend. First we all met the other members of the Power Force outside of the restaurant, Noor. We chatted and introduced ourselves by our screen names and laughed together wondering what was going to happen today!

Soon, the suit actors for the Samurai Rangers came out and took pictures with all of the Make-A-Wish Kids which seemed amazing to them!

The kids looked so happy, at times LOL, it was very cool!
Moments later we were whisked inside where an incredible breakfast was left waiting for us!
I had chocolate covered strawberries and a lot of fruit which had to be organic because it was mad good! Plus some amazing bacon!

After a few moments to eat President of Saban Brands, Elie Dekel came out to congratulate us on being welcomed into the Power Force and went into only a few details on what we would be involved in. Later, Marni in charge of Power Force (and a great lady) offered us our new Power Force pins and welcomed each of us individually into the group. She expressed that thousands of applications came in and they read each and every one of them and from them chose the 20 of us!

We each were awarded this exclusive Power Force Pin!
It was amazing to get this and shake Elie and Marni’s hands as they once again thanked us for our service to the fandom!

The image above shows that Morphin’ Legacy is officially on the Power Rangers Power Force website!  YAY!

Then to all of our surprise they invited the Cast of Super Samurai to come out and mingle with us! I first met Rick Medina who looked smoking in his leather pants and army boots. I can’t even….! He was really down to earth as well and was happy to pose for pictures with us and sign our posters! I got to meet Hector David Jr which had been a dream of mine since 2010! He was such a nice guy to meet and when he saw my shirt he knew who I was which made my entire life! I was around Najee but didn’t really get to meet him, I was kinda in the way and bumped into him a lot, My bad Najee! Then I met Erika Fong which the pictures of her do not do her justice! She is so beautiful and such a sweetheart to meet! Brittany Pirtle was next and she again is really beautiful in person and was a pleasure to meet. Last, was Alex Heartman who is exactly like he is on Figure It Out, just a cute boy next door who loves every minute of his Rangerdom! I got Alex, Erika and Brittany to sign my poster but, even though I talked to him for 20 mins, forgot to get Hector and Najee.

Yeah, this happened.

The MEGA Panel: SCROLL UP, the article is there!

The David Yost Panel
I have to admit I was surprised by the David Yost panel, at first I thought it would be just David talking about his experiences, almost giving us his lecture on his tenure on Power Rangers. Instead he actually rapped with us and got up close and personal at times with each of the people who asked him questions. He made sure he knew each persons name and thanked them for their questions.
Sadly, the questions left something to be desired. At times they were interesting, but at times it was long rants about who the asker was and what they thought about certain things instead of it being an actual question. However, this has been a problem at PMC for quite some time. Even though they screen questions, crap still gets through.

But David was very polite and answered each question as he saw fit, which was awesome! He was even giving away awesome prizes such as call-sheets, scripts and exclusive pictures from the set.

What was extremely touching, During the panel many of the f ormer stars of Power Rangers came to support David during his panel. They included: Karan Ashley, Catherine Sutherland, Nakia Burisse, Walter Jones, Johnny Yong Bosch, Steve Cardenas, Rajia Baroudi & Alan Palmer who all gave hugs or shouts of love!

What was most important, besides David Yelling out “Triceratops” with a fan’s morpher, was the cause he was there for; The Trevor Project. A raffle was taking place and first prize was an autographed final script from Mighty Morphin’ Power  Rangers : The Movie!
But David surprised us all with a second prize, which was an actual crystal from Zordon’s destroyed tube from the movie! We all went nuts and in the end two lovely ladies won the prizes!

After the raffle we all lined up into a GIANT line and waited to have either your merch signed and a picture, or have a photo of David signed and take a picture! I took a picture with him and I regret nothing! I gave $25 to the Trevor Project and met David Yost!

Before I met David, we went back into the main room where I met up with Alan Palmer, who is just FABULOUS and his friend and fellow Alien Ranger, Rajia Baroudi talked with us for a while and I absolutely love both of them! It was like they were old friends! She wrote to me on her signed picture, “To Lovely Jay…” I love her. The two of them also gabbed and posed with Catherine  Sutherland!

Another reason my life is complete is I got to meet Mike Ginn who is always nice enough to tweet back and forth with me over PR stuff or just whatevs! He was a great guy and actually invited us to sit and talk to him about his character, How underrated RPM is/was, Gem & Gemma VS Go-On Wings & the dark back story behind them as well. This is what he wrote to me:  “Dear Jay, thanks for being my online friend. ITS BOOM TIME! RPM GET IN GEAR!”

I also met Johnny Yong Bosch, Steve Cardenas and Karan Ashley for the 2nd time!

I even met Jack Guzman and Phillip Jeanmarie who I professed my love of his work on PASSIONS, my favorite soap of all time! They too were amazing guys and even too pics with me! Plus Jack Guzman is well, a very good looking man indeed. 😉

We found some new MegaForce toys as we went back to find more toys as well! Below you can see the two RetroFire Megazords coming soon, 2013, from Bandai America!

I leave you with the new toys that were laid out for Day 2, its been a long day and now its time to lay back and relax 😀

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