(BOOM! Comics) Go Go Power Rangers #5 Review

(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com


For some reason (I have no idea why), there was no Go Go Power Rangers issue released in November, so it’s been awhile since we’ve seen anything from this series.

Does this series still hold up after a two-month hiatus? Let’s take a look.

The Cover

The Rangers looking at their beeping communicators while Matthew’s just looking around like “What the heck?”

This cover is decent, gets across the message very clearly and has a lot of creatively details to it like Ernie carrying cups that match all of the colors of the Power Rangers and an extra green cup…

Though since we know what happened in the last issue, the cover’s message and tone is a little deceptive.

The Story

In Flashback Land, 10,000 years ago, Rita’s army is attacking another planet’s army (led by an alien who looks like he got his gear from Rainbow Raider). A single general is conveying what has happened so far to Rita, annoying her by constantly finishing her sentences. And, she kills him… Ok. That was random.

In the “present”, the Rangers are training in their Zords. They want to know what else their Zords can do, but Zordon basically says “All will be revealed in time” and all of that nonsense. But, the Rangers can’t deal with that right now as they have an even more dangerous task to handle: the homecoming dance.

Bulk wants to run for homecoming king and even asks a popular homecoming queen candidate to be his date. Zack finds a note from a secret admirer in his locker. Billy is not planning on going to homecoming, instead focusing on getting his Promethea internship, which his dad insists is life and death.

“Matthew”, AKA the Putty Infiltrator, is released from the hospital. Although he’s acting pretty normal, Kim and Jason are noticing that something’s off about him. To distract them from finding the truth and cause disarray among the Rangers, Rita tricks Matthew into revealing secrets about the group. “Matthew” then reveals one of those secrets to Jason at the Juice Bar, the secret being that Trini has a crush on Jason.

At another training session with the Zords, Jason berates Billy and Kim for not taking the training seriously and tells the team that he’s going to be a lot tougher with them.

Ending Thoughts

Go Go Power Rangers #5 may have taken a little longer to come out, but it’s still as strong as the overall series.

The Bulk and Skull stuff here feels like an actual Bulk and Skull subplot from the show. It somewhat ties in with the Rangers, but is entertaining and is not distracting from the overall story. The “Matthew” drama is enjoyable, allowing Rita to be active while giving the Rangers great character interactions. Plus, it’s always fun seeing the Zords in action, even though it’s just training. Although, the intro flashback was a lot more random this time and didn’t really serve that much purpose.

Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid

  • It might seem super impressive that Promethea just gives out VR headsets, but decent ones are like hundreds of dollars and there’s no way they would just waste their money like that.
  • Look around Billy’s bedroom. There are some cool references to the writer’s past work. And I always enjoy seeing knock-off franchises.
  • Billy’s dad is modeled after David Yost. Ok then.
  • Note: If someone talks about themselves in the third person, they’re clearly evil.
  • Goldar: “Is there at least some manner of blood sacrifice?” Yes, there is. Look at “Spider-Man: Homecoming” for proof.