(BOOM! Comics) Go Go Power Rangers #3 Review

(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com


Apologies for this review being a week later. I had a harder time finding this comic and I was out of town for the weekend. I apologize.

With that said, let’s talk about Go Go Power Rangers #3!

The Cover

Power Rangers and Putties in a food fight. What more could you ask for?

Though in all seriousness, it’s fun and creative, there’s a lot of detail and fun things to look at, and it fits the colorful mood of the series. It might be one of my favorite covers from MMPR. The only downside is it looks nothing like what happens in the story (aside from a quick little scene).

The Story

We begin with (you guessed it) a flashback as we see Billy playing Ghost Pirates with his good friend “Skull”. Obviously, this friendship didn’t last as we flash forward to the present where Bulk and Skull prank Billy, filling his locker with mush, goop, slop. You take your pick.

Outside the school, the Rangers talk about their rising social media presence. Before we can learn more about Kim’s ranger selfies, Matthew comes by and invites the group to Angel Day to clean up the wreckage from the monster fight. (It’s basically just trash day for this city).

While the Super-Putty from the last issue (I don’t think we got an official name for her so just guessing) goes around town searching for the teens,  Jason and Trini have another date – I mean, training session – in the woods which ends when Trini realizes she forgot to celebrate her mom’s birthday. Also, the Juice Bar is going to be closed down soon (because why not) and Matthew asks Zack whether or not the group is hiding any secrets from him.

On Angel Day, Trini and Billy talk to some TV reporters about the event when Bulk and Skull decide now’s the time to mess with Billy. Jason steps in and intervenes, which gets him and Bulk in trouble with Mr. Caplan. (Yeah, he’s here. Good for him)

The Super-Putty decides to attack now, asking Rita to send a squad of Putties to Earth. While Jason is stuck inside a store with Bulk and Mr. Caplan, Zack, Billy, and Trini morph into action. Kim is with Matthew when they encounter a MOTW (which looks pretty awesome, not going to lie). Kim falls down and Matthew steps in the monster’s way, which gets him knocked back into a building pretty hard.

Ending Thoughts

This issue is continuing the momentum this series is started. We’ve got a lot of fun dialogue (I want to frame Billy’s “It was about boobs” quote on my wall), fantastic art as always, and character building moments, not mainly from the Rangers, but some of the side characters. We see a side of Skull that puts an interesting twist on his and Bulk’s relationship, giving a compelling reason as to why Skull would want to be friends with someone like Bulk.

We also get a little childhood story from Rita, depicting a more devious, manipulative side of her we hardly get to see. And we’ve gotten some focus on Ernie, Trini’s mom, and Matthew. I know for a fact, Matthew is going to be alive after this issue (because Power Rangers wouldn’t be that dark), but I am still worried about him. He’s a wild card, we don’t have any idea on what’s going to happen to him and that is making me interested in his story.

I’m genuinely excited for the next issue of this series!

Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid

  • Let’s face it. We would all pay more than 2,000 dollars to have dinner with the Yellow Ranger.
  • Those kids in the restaurant. Yeah, they’re idiots.
  • “Pick your nose, not a fight” Yeah, don’t. Just don’t. Also, I can’t believe a Power Ranger is telling people to spread germs.
  • Troglodytes. Don’t waste a Google search. It means a hermit or someone who’s really old-fashioned.
  • Also, what was Bulk going to do with that shovel? There’s nothing he could’ve done to Billy that probably wouldn’t have gotten him expelled.
  • The art style’s fine, but it made me think for a second, Mr. Caplan quit and J Jonah Jameson took his place. (Especially with some of his angry faces in the panels)
  • Matthew. Boyfriend of the year. Seriously, Kim, you’re not going to get a better boyfriend than this. (Yeah, I said it.)