Justice League / Power Rangers Crossover Issues #5 & #6 Shelved By DC?

Thanks to ComicBook.com DC has apparently shelved Issues #5 and #6 of their Justice League / Power Rangers crossover series.

“According to Bleeding Cool, issues 5 and 6 of Justice League/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers have been shelved, though it seems they will be offered again at some point down the line. The issues were currently scheduled for a May and June release, and neither company has said why the issues solicitation dates were pulled.”

Bleeding Cool predicts that Issues #5 and #6 will perhaps be re-solicited at another date such as August/September, but this is just speculation. I know that I, as many other fans, would like to see this story resolved instead of it being pulled completely.

Stay tuned for more information as it comes in!
Have you been reading the crossover series?

Information on Issue #5

“The Justice League and the Power Rangers have arrived in the Rangers’ home dimension, but the heroes of these two worlds are too late to prevent Angel Grove’s shocking fate. With the Earth now on the chopping block, can these teams come together to undo the damage wrought by Zedd and Brainiac?”