Mighty Morphin’ Wooden Nesting Dolls Coming Soon!

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Originally presented to us at Power Morphicon 5 the Mighty Morphin’ Wooden Nesting Dolls are here!
Coming in February 2017 for $25 you receive the Red, Black, Pink, Blue & Yellow Rangers as well as a tiny Alpha 5 that all expertly fit inside of each other!
You can pre-order and add this interesting collectible to your collection by clicking here.

Packaging and Details

power-rangers-nd-in-pack-hr“Introducing the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Collectible Wood Nesting Doll Set! Each set includes six wooden nesting dolls representing all five Power Rangers and Alpha. Each detailed and colorful doll fits inside the next, and they range in size from 1″- 5.5″, perfect for play or display! Available for pre-order now on PPWToys.com.”