Dino Super Charge Episode 19 “Edge of Extinction” Review

Episode Review

“The Edge of Extinction” is the beginning of the end and was a fantastic way to start! Action from beginning to end and had me on the edge of my seat the entire way! Megazord battles spread throughout the episode, a Wedding I have been dying to see, an end to a season long Villain and an epic battle with Kendall and Snide! Not much could’ve been better in this episode so let’s take a look back at some of the best moments of this episode as we begin to say goodbye to our Dino Charge Rangers.

Heckyl’s Goodness: As we open the episode we see that Heckyl has already begun to say goodbye to not only his life but the life of the Earth as well. He’s ordered all the food he wants and a perfect sundae at the Dino Bite Cafe. Shelby tries to convince him that there’s still good inside of him now that the Snide part of him is gone. Heckyl refuses to listen and instead heads out to spend his last day on Earth in style where he sky dives, white water rafts and spends the day at an amusement park. (In a rather awkward montage). As the episode progresses, Heckyl finishes his celebration but learns the Rangers may be in trouble with the Greenzillas, but hears a crying child. He saves her and is given thanks by the mother, a kiss on the cheek. After she kisses him, he suddenly has a change of heart and heads off to help the Rangers.
I loved this subtle change in Heckyl and it finally solidified the changes in him. This gives him the strength and goodness inside of him to not only help Kendall later in the episode against Snide but to help the Rangers destroy Snide all together in the end. This entire episode, not only with the massive amounts of action, was a good story of how Heckyl fully changed himself from baddie to goodie to be of help to the Power Rangers.

Greenzilla Battles: The majority of the beginning half of the episode was taken up of Megazord battles which was completely amazing! 5 Megazords were taken into battle in Japan, China, England, New York and Amber Beach against 5 Greenzillas hatched from the eggs Sledge had planted. The footage was simply amazing and totally suited for the beginning of a finale! The action was on point and not a single Zord was left out!

The Wedding: If you’ve read my reviews before, including the one last week, you would know I have been waiting for this event since the very first episode of Dino Charge! Poisandra hinted at being married to Sledge from the very first episode! I was so excited to see Poisandra being carried down the aisle with her white wedding dress and veil, with the Vivix throwing pink rose petals as all the monsters looked on! Not to mention Sledge in his white tux and top hat, how hilariously awesome! It was even more hilarious when a dungeon rat scared the party and Poisandra went head first into the wedding cake! I loved it!
Luckily, the wedding went on as planned at the end of the episode! It was even cooler that Sledge used the Dark Energem as Poisandra’s ring and at the end of the Episode they were finally married to the line, “Do you take this Monster?” and “Poisey Poo-Poo”

Kendall VS Snide: Snide was able to find the Rangers base underneath the museum and in an epic few sword slashes he smashed his way through the ceiling. As he crashed in he smashed the crystals that hold the Energems and threatened Keeper and Kendall, but that didn’t stop her! Kendall donned her helmet and kicked ass! The wire work and stunt work in the fight scene were particularly amazing and I was very impressed especially that the fight scene was not only a fight scene with the purple Ranger alone, but a Female Ranger singularly.

The End of Snide: What a hilarious betrayal! The cycle battle with Snide was awesome as well, but the best part of the end of Snide was the fact that he called and called for the Magna Beam but Sledge had no intention of granting his request!
In the end Snide met his end with a blast from the Titano Cannon and the a powered-up attack from the Rangers below and Heckyl!

The Dark Energem: After the blast from the Titano Cannon, the Dark Energem still had no scratch on it! The Rangers know that this can only end with the destruction of this evil. Heckyl offers to help them. Before a “To Be Continued” rolls on the screen, the Rangers get an alert that the Ranger Base is under attack by Fury and the race to rescue Keeper!

All together this episode had everything you could want for either an episode and the beginning of the end. The Megazord battles were on par, a Villain found his redemption, We saw the epic end of a Season’s Villain in Snide, and I finally got to see my favorite Villain Poisandra marry her man!
We are about the see the end of Dino Super Charge and the end of this two season run as whole and I am very interested to see where this is all going to go!