Dino Super Charge Episode 18 “The Rangers Rock” Review

Episode Review

“The Rangers Rock” as we make our way to the 2-part Finale was a fantastic segue into what is to come. We celebrated the return of Sledge and his reunion with Poisandra, we got an epic arrival of a new Zord and brutally evil monster that turned the Rangers to stone! I especially enjoyed this episode because it was very entertaining, had some comedic moments from the villains and focused on a lot of mythos in the Dino Charge story-line. Let’s look back at some of my favorite moments.

Where Was Sledge?: Sledge’s return was pretty hilarious in the beginning of the episode. Poisandra was pretty angry at him and when he explained where he was we got more classic comedic interactions between the villains I’ve missed so much! Sledge apparently had a “good time” in Japan, China and Hawaii! After releasing Heckyl and leaving his ship, Sledge took time  to place 5 of the glowing eggs he found inside of the cells, wonder what that could be? 😉

Zord Creation in Geodes: In order to set up a plot point for later in the episode, Zenowing explained to Shelby that the Zords were created into the simple crystals we have on Earth called Geodes. The same types of crystals used in the Energem beds. I loved this explanation, it was subtle but it made sense and gave us some insight into how the Zords are made! Which is something we never really get to hear about!

Pavlova Eating Contest: I just had to mention this because it was just too damn cute and of course we just had to mention the Pavlova again!
Of course, Miss Morgan got messy and delivered her classic line “Good Grief.”

Badussa: This monster was truly a badass and I am seriously wondering why this was not an action figure. The amount of original footage mixed with the Sentai footage with this monster was fabulous and it was nearly seamless! I loved how the Rangers were turned to stone, except for Phillip and James, to fit the Sentai footage of the Spino Zord being combined with the Ankylo and Pachy Zord!
His interactions with Heckyl were interesting as well, especially when he revealed he destroyed the Kyoryuger galaxy. Nice name…..

Shelby Creates the Spino Zord: I think that this was the perfect moment for Shelby’s character to come full circle. She grew from following around the others in the first episode simply wanting to join them on an excavation; to a Ranger creating a brand new Zord presenting everything she had learned!
Another impressive  scene was when the words of Zenowing echoed that dinosaur bone, metal and crystal merge with the warrior spirit to create the new Zord!
I found it interesting though that Keeper was chosen to add his spirit to the new Zord. Wouldn’t this have been time to begin to introduce the Talon Ranger?

Spino Charge Megazord:  This zord gives new meaning to the phrase “It’s about to get wild!”
The Sentai footage of the Spino Zord and the Spino Charge Megazord is just beautiful and of course it’s always awesome to see Keeper in the  Megazord cockpit!

10 Ranger Victory Maximum: AWESOME!

Are We Getting A Wedding?: Throughout the episode Poisandra began to plan her wedding, but one thing still bugs me. We’ve been waiting for this wedding since the very first episode. All I have to say is that we better see some kind of wedding or I’m gonna flip some tables. I mean, at least give us a small start to a wedding the Rangers interrupt or something. Please? Pretty please?!

Shelby and Tyler: Did anyone notice that Shelby and Tyler were holding hands in the final scene of the episode?!
Their love is growing!

This episode was the perfect balance of action, plot development and small subtle moments of comedy. As we approach the final episodes of Dino Super Charge and this series as a whole I am surely hoping for an epic conclusion. With the Dark Energem still out there and Sledge preparing for an epic world-wide battle it seems as we’re headed there! 2 Episodes to go!