Dino Super Charge Episode 13 “Recipe For Disaster” Review

Episode Review

It seems as if we are creating a pattern in the middle passages of Dino Super Charge and while I am living for the episodes, I am not sure if I like this pattern. We can see here in this episode that there is quite a bit of fight, Zord and villain footage with a filler situation sandwiched in. While I love Chase, It almost felt like his side story didn’t need to be included in this episode. I almost wanted to say to the writers, “No, go back to the story about the Villains, Dark Energem and the Silver Ranger!” But, again, I do enjoy the filler a tiny bit. I just want to get back to the plot. Let’s get back to some of the moments I enjoyed and didn’t so much.

Sentai 6: From the moment the words escaped Keeper’s mouth I knew that the fandom would explode in hatred of this. That made me love it all the more. I like little random tidbits in there like that only we would notice! Another example would be the “Project GO-ONGER” vehicle from RPM, completely out there and a throwback to Sentai.
I also loved that a planet was destroyed in order to obtain the Dark Energem by a strange unknown warlord!

Fortress: I found it really interesting that the Sentai footage here was used as an Evil Megazord instead of just a Monster of the Day and it was even cooler to see Snide and Heckyl at the helm.
Plus this Evil Megazord was rather formidable against the Villain helmed Megazords! One could assume it was due to the fact they were without the Super Drive modes, but it was still pretty awesome!
AND It was  actually finally satisfying to see Heckyl use his goggles for something!


Taking Control of the Zords: The plot thickens once more as Doomwing and Lord Arcanon have somehow formed their own Dino Chargers and are now able to take control of the Rangers’ Zords. It again was very cool to see Villains inside of the Rangers Zords and inside of the cockpit! However, it was even more interesting to see that they still did not have enough power to take on  Heckyl/Snide inside of Fortress and were continually defeated by him Zord after Zord and even refused to use Titano.


Chase and the Pavlova: As I said before this sort of filler was not really needed especially in this sort of episode, but It was Chase filler and I love Chase filler. There were a lot of cute moments where the Pavlova exploded into the  Rangers’ faces and onto the woman critic as well. Some of the scenes with the woman felt forced but the Ranger cast seemed to save the day.
It was also a little convenient how his Energem happened to fall into the batter and therefore into the Pavlova.
One thing I felt was even more ridiculous was the fact that the new Ultrazord formation was inspired by the failure of the Pavlova. While it was a nice moment for Chase to realize something, it was strange that that translated into the new form for the Megazord. It just felt strange to me and felt ridiculous; I felt it should have been the Rangers’ courage, bravery or teamwork. Something of that nature. Not realizing they had to mix up some ingredients in a home-grown dessert.


Dino Charge Ultrazord: What can I say about this in a review?  The Sentai footage is beautiful and I still believe that the Original US  Cockpit and suit footage is gorgeous!


Heckyl Back in Solitary: After Heckyl had been defeated by the Rangers as they finally regained control of their Zords and formed the Ultrazord, he was taken prisoner. Singe and Lord Arcanon sent him back into Solitary Confinement vowing that he would obey them now they he was back in their control. Lord Arcanon also unveiled that inside of his large tome that he was hiding the Dark Energem all along! What will become of Heckyl?
In the shadows Curio and Poisandra cower in fear.


All together this episode was full of action with some strange filler that really didn’t need to be there. But, I still feel as if we are headed towards a good place of plot development. However, it does seem as if again we will be headed into another filler episode with tiny plot development sprinkled throughout. Is that ok? Time will tell.
Dino Charge and Dino Super Charge has given us, in my opinion, some truly funny and entertaining filler but when is it enough filler?