Dino Super Charge Episode 12 “Catching Some Rays” Review

Episode Review

“Catching Some Rays” continues deeper into Dino Super Charge’s filler and while I will say that these episodes are fun and have a lot of hilarious moments, I am ready for more plot driving moments. While we are getting these moments slightly, they seem to only come at the very end during small messages from the Silver Ranger and I’m not sure if that’s good enough. However, I will say that the hilarious moments are enough to keep me entertained for the most part. Let’s take a look back at some of my favorite moments.


Rediscovering Koda’s Home: It’s always rather sweet to have moments like this with Koda, especially when he remembers his family. It was great to see him remember his grandfather and how he looked up to him. Koda, during both halves of this series, has shown a lot of his character from his focus episodes and may make him one of the most fleshed out characters in the show. It was really cute watching him tip-toe into the forbidden part of the cave!
In this episode, he actually learned his lesson that he should’ve obeyed his grandfather’s words to leave that part of the cave alone. Strange though that such a modern looking monster was trapped in there though :). Yoshi Sudarso’s performance towards the end of the episode where he touches the wall and remembers his grandfather through the cave paintings was perfect!


Vacation Beam: This, to me, was the best part of the entire episode. Watching the Rangers (and to that extent, their actors) goofing off was hilarious! Dancing and prancing around to the N-Zed Boys, Tyler and his “Red Ranger Brings the Danger,” on his unicycle and the shirts flying off for some reason and no one asking why!


Teasin’ Fury: While under the spell of the sun’s rays it was so hilarious to watch the Rangers tease Fury with their Energems. Especially, Ivan who dangled the Gold Energem right in front of his face as he dodged his sword! Watch that scene by clicking here!


Hula Time: Whenever you watch a Sentai before its Power Rangers counterpart you wonder to yourself what will make it into the show. I never thought I’d see this, but Dino Charge has proven my colleagues and I wrong on so many occasions and usually it’s hilarious.


G-ma Betty: This was a little bit of an unneeded side story but I suppose it went along with the “listen to your grandparents” theme of the episode. Plus it was nice to get some sort of focus on Kendall, who has had barely any. G-ma Betty was a tough old bird and knew what she was talking about and I rather liked her. I tend to like grandmothers in Power Rangers and she was no exception.


Poisandra and Curio: These two are always my favorite in every episode they appear in and I am so glad that they are more apart of the show lately. My favorite scenes with these two were when they rode up alongside Tyler and claimed “Hey we’re on vacation too!”
Or when Poisandra started dancing with Chase out of no where as she attempted to steal his Energem.
Plus how hilarious was it when they tried to escape to Hawaii only to be caught by Heckyl and forced to clean the entire ship! Bless these two!


Silver Ranger and the Dark Energem: As I said above, the last few episodes have tried to move the plot forward with tiny messages from the Silver Ranger. This episode was no different as he mentions the Dark Energem and that it has resurfaced. The Dark Energem apparently has been made from pure darkness. The Silver Ranger requests data on the zords and Megazords as the Dark Energem threatens the past, present and future. Very interesting, it is enough to wet my interest but I want to know more!


I am thirsty for more plot development but as I said the comedic timing of the cast of this series is enough to keep me interested and laughing during this season. “Catching Some Rays” delivered just that and I cannot wait for the next episode, sadly next week is pre-empted for the worldwide day of play so it’ll be an additional week before the story continues! Until then!