Dino Super Charge Episode 9 “Besties 4Eva” Review

Episode Review

Power Rangers Dino Super Charge made its return this week with “Besties 4Eva” to mixed reviews and while it was simple filler I found it to be quite a cute episode. I will admit it wasn’t the strongest episode to return on after such a long wait, but it still felt like the Dino Charge we all know and love to get us back into the swing of things with all the characters who get us charged up! Let’s take a look back at some of my favorite and not so favorite moments.


Heckyl and the Cinnamon: No episode can be that bad with Heckyl in it, that’s my point of view and Heckyl delivered his brand of comedy again this episode. It wasn’t really explained or expanded upon but for some reason Heckyl really wanted cinnamon for his cookies this episode and he wanted Half Bake to bake it and/or get it for him. He really could give two craps about the Rangers this episode, he just wanted his cinnamon! I have such a soft spot for this villain that I find this hilarious and I love every minute of it, especially when he gasped at the idea that the cinnamon had been taken and his Spike Ball defeated or laughed hautily at the idea that Half Bake wanted to fight the Rangers. I can’t wait for more Heckyl!


Half Bake: He was rather a random monster who for Power Rangers became a baker for Heckyl, for some strange reason. But, he was given a rather cute personality. He wanted to prove himself to Heckyl that he could take on the Rangers with his only plan being that he would “Destroy them!” When they laughed at him he attempted to escape and even took on Wrench by himself. Then he staged a plan to kidnap who he thought was the Pink Ranger and cook her in a giant crepe! While you may say that the episode is filler and the episode is boring, the monster was pretty comedic.


Wrench’s Short Circuit and Explosion: I was a little intrigued by this moment and it may just be a throwaway due to the Sentai footage, but could something interesting be happening with Wrench? After Half Bake escaped and short circuited Wrench he experienced even more short circuits and exploded in front of the Rangers! Could he be falling apart? Plus, how awesome was that fight between him and Chase one on one! I want to see more of those fights together as it seems a vendetta with the Black Ranger is growing!


Dino X, Victory Maximum: Ooh Pretty Attacks! A New Dino X Charger was achieved by Kendall and Shelby being able to combine the powers of all the Rangers attacks this time. I loved the little moment with Kendall and Ivan where he suggested calling it Victory Maximum to match the Sentai footage and she wasn’t having it, which I think is a much better name. Sorry, Dino Charge writers.


Erin, Shelby’s Bestie: Lots of people compared this episode to the Megaforce episode “Stranger Ranger” because it is basically the same idea, but while it shares the same idea it is different in a few ways. I found this episode to be a little more enjoyable and Erin to be a little less annoying than Jordan in the Megaforce episode. Jordan was a little more distracting to the Rangers’ work than Erin was, Erin was more in the background taking selfies and taking credit for Shelby’s work. Shelby, however, was more affected by Erin taking credit for her Ranger work which made you feel more for her than you felt for Troy in the Megaforce episode, which again makes me feel this episode is superior.
As I said earlier, Erin was rather annoying and took Shelby for granted for most of the episode and that made you feel for Shelby but thankfully that was resolved at the end. Erin went in front of the Amber Beach public and apologized, apologized to the Rangers and to Shelby personally. I gave her props for that. While I wish Shelby had confronted Erin herself towards the end, it was still great to see that Erin saw the error of her ways. However, this does seem to be a pattern in Dino Charge were the Rangers never really face their problems head on and confront. They are instead resolved for them. Hmmm…


Tricera Rocks: Erin finally gave Shelby credit where credit was due, for the Tricera Rocks song and the cast of Rangers all sang along to it and it was the cutest freaking thing I have ever heard. Relive it by clicking here. <3

Final Thoughts

 Filler is filler and I will definitely agree with you that it was not the strongest episode to return with after a hiatus. But I am not turned off of this season just because of that, because I know what is to come and what is to come looks pretty damn exciting. This episode was even cute filler for what filler is so I ain’t mad! I can’t wait to see what’s next! Until next week, Ranger Fans!

*Reviewers note: Scores will no longer be included as they are basically useless.