FIRST LOOK! The Power Ranger Movie Suits!


Power Rangers 2017 Movie Suits

We got our First Look at the new Power Rangers suits today thanks to a new article posted via Entertainment Weekly.

“The spandex-free makeover also helps set the film apart from other big-screen franchises. “It’s tricky finding a new language for a superhero costume,” production designer Andrew Menzies (G.I. Joe: Retaliation) admits. “Ours is an alien costume that grows on them, that’s not man-made. You can’t win everyone over, but we are trying to appeal to a more mature audience and gain new fans.” Fans like the Yellow Ranger herself. “It’s the coolest costume ever,” Becky G says. “I’m gonna wear it for Halloween for, like, five years.” “

The suits are rather futuristic looking with a glow in the chest and the morpher secured in the  stomach.
What do you think of the new design?