Dino Charge Episode 16 “No Matter How You Slice It” Review

Episode Review

Another heartfelt and entertaining entry in the Dino Charge series! I expected this episode to be rather sappy and while it was I didn’t seem to mind it. As usual the Dino Charge cast delivered an awesome performance in both action and emotion, proving that their bond as characters is very strong. We got some focus on Riley and Koda as a pair and again this was most welcome! I do love how each different pairing is getting some time!


Intro of Shearfear: I loved the introduction of Shearfear and his abilities as it related to the prison and Sledge. This power of his is quite interesting and thus proves to be powerful to Sledge’s plan to obtain the Energems. I will admit it was pretty awesome how he would use his little lenses to see the Rangers friendship and use his massive scissors to obliterate it!
While not the same voice actor from Power Rangers Samurai, this voice reminded me too much of Desperaino, which I don’t enjoy HAHA!


Poisandra & Curio: A lot of people may find them annoying, I can see that, however I freaking love Poisandra and Curio more than anything! HAHA! They’re just cute little besties who romp around providing randomness and this I love! That said, it was kinda sad but hilarious to see the fighting. But, I especially loved at the end when they vowed not to be mean anymore, except to the prisoners.


Riley’s Forgotten Birthday: The moments when Riley would continuously check his phone for messages from his family was heart-tugging to say the least. What was strange though is, what is this 1999 where you have to call your phone’s voicemail? Hello we have icons in 2015 lol!
It was even more-so as Koda approached Riley and comforted him about the others not remembering. He even “promises” not to tell the other Rangers. I was already sold on this pairing at this point in the episode.


Clever Uses: While other seasons would most likely not do this, I loved how the story connected to Shelby’s phone. I understand we are in 2015 but how can we not notice that the Rangers have cell-phones they use like normal teens. It was great that not only did Shelby surf and take selfies but losing her phone actually served a purpose as it captured Shearfear slicing their friendships!


Squabbling Rangers: Whenever there are personality changes in Rangers, no matter the season, it’s always welcome in my book. How hilarious was it to watch the Rangers squabble with each other. Or how Shelby gave us the classic “whatever.” response with the retro W in her fingers! Not to mention Ivan and Chase and the cake batter incident above! Great!


Trust Exercises: I laughed a little more than I should have at this scene. Riley’s hand motions and faces are just too funny to explain and when Tyler and Ivan fall over as their partners fail to save them! Hilarious!


Fading Energems: I actually loved the little twist where the Energem’s connection, and therefore Ranger powers, are connected to each of the Rangers’ friendships and emotions. It was a rather interesting take on the Energems and even more solidifies the Rangers’ friendship with one another. Plus Keeper got to be all deep again HAHA!


Strong Friendship: I was also intrigued by the idea that Koda’s friendships seem to be immune to Shearfear’s scissors. Even to the point of breaking the monster’s weapon!


The Ole Switcheroo: How could you not love this part! Koda in a Riley costume and Riley in a Koda costume complete with wig changes! What is this Snatch Game?! I loved it! Also how distracting was it to see Koda in pants and Riley in shorts….that’s random. LOL. #WigGameOnPoint




Riley & Ivan Combo: Anytime the Zandar Thunder comes out is a good time in my book and this footage just proves how truly awesome the stunts and cgi the Sentai footage can deliver!


Ptera Charge Megazord – Para Raptor Formation: I was actually waiting for this combination because the toys on my shelf are formed just like this! Another great example of Kyoryuger’s footage that just looks beautiful on NICK HD!


Surprise Birthday: First of all, everything is green; aka my ideal party, so that was awesome. Plus it was fabulous to see the Rangers throw a surprise party for Riley and even that touching message from Riley’s family! Also, Keeper in a birthday hat. Sold.


Koda’s Heart: I was rather touched by Koda in this episode because of the line where he spoke about the Rangers being family. I loved this lesson not only for kids but for the fans as well. Power Rangers is not just about one person, whether he or she be in Green or White or Red ( I don’t know, Black?), but all the Rangers matter. I cannot possibly love Koda than I do at this moment!


The Purple Energem: At the last scene featuring the villains, Fury tells Sledge that he may have located the Purple Energem! If that doesn’t get you charged up for the next episode I don’t know what will!


Final Thoughts

Favorite Moment
All in all this episode was rather heart-warming and still had that action Power Rangers is known for! After 16 episodes I actually feel connected to the characters and have a grasp of who they are. Koda and his pure heart, Shelby’s prowess and in this episode Ivan’s hilarious faces!
Riley and Koda both shined in this episode and it was awesome that the writers are trying out different combos between the Rangers, including the little feud with Chase and Ivan!
I can’t wait for the next episode!

Story: 8/10
Action: 8/10
Writing:  8/10
All Together:  8/10