Super Megaforce Episode 16 “Vrak is Back, Part 1” Review

I have to say that while fun and nostalgic at times, Super Megaforce has so far been a let down. When I heard that there would be a two-parter featuring the return of Vrak I had two different set of emotions. A part of me was incredibly annoyed that this story line was not wrapped up during Megaforce and now had to take away time from a series adaptation that is already being rushed as it is. I do find it severely annoying that the Megaforce suits are still being used every so often and the Gokaiger aspects have to take another back seat to this poorly planned storyline.
Now for the other half of me. After viewing “Vrak is Back, Part 1” I have to say that along with its conclusion it is the best that this season has had to offer so far. A decent strory, great action and explanation of the events going on in the show! Plus Vrak is Back!Vrak Returns: Eyeing the wreckage of his deceased brother’s Megazord, Vrak prepares to destroy the Rangers.
I must admit that when Vrak returned I was very excited to see him! Vrak was my favorite in Megaforce and I was a little sad when we were unsure if he would be destroyed or never heard from again.  It was very smart of the producers to place Vrak over the wreckage and connect the final scene of the previous episode with this one!
It’s so awesome to see Vrak again and hear his voice actor!  Jason Hood, I’ve missed you!

Vrak is a Creepster:  Vrak begins to get his plan into action which involves kidnapping Orion. This scene was so creepy, was it not? Vrak appearing in the darkness with just his eyes exposed! Take a look at Orion’s face! LOL.

Vrak’s Plan: Something to note is that this idea of “Kidnapping Orion” is obviously original and Sentai footage of this does not exist. So,  scenes need to be created to explain where Orion is during all of this Goseiger Footage during a Gokaiger Footage based season.
I was shocked that the writers actually put time and effort into explaining this, but I was happily surprised.
Vrak’s plan is to drain Orion’s energy which disables the Rangers’ Legendary Powers, for some reason. Random, but still I love that the work was done to explain this and make it original.

Fights with Vrak: Besides the excellent side stories we have gotten in this episode, I must point out that the Goseiger Footage is superb. As many know I am not a huge fan of Goseiger, but the final episodes were it’s best. All of the scenes in which Vrak goes hand to hand with the Rangers it is just pure awesomeness!
Vrak chokes the Rangers several times and conveys powerful dominance in these scenes, I wasn’t expecting those scenes to be used.

Ranger Keys turned to Stone: Because Orion’s extra-terrestrial power is being drained, the Super Megaforce powers have been disabled leaving the Rangers only with their older Megaforce powers. Because of this the Ranger Keys have turned to stone rendering them useless. These scenes were so cool to actually see the Ranger Key statutes turn to stone. Of course Troy has to stare into the glass meaningfully.

Dark RoboKnight: I absolutely love this story-line. I always love a good evil Ranger story! In my view, RoboKnight finally got a little more badass and stopped whining about the environment! Again the fight scenes are the best that Goseiger had and look fantastic within the Power Ranger context.
However, I am still a little salty on what could have been here. If Megaforce’s story had finished within it’s season we wouldn’t have had this episode period. I had always been very adament of the story that would make RoboKnight turn into Argus at the end, which would’ve been an epic story. Sadly, we got this version. Not as good but it works.

Badassery: One thing I have to say that is cool about Vrak’s actions in this episode is that he totally rules over everything he does. He kidnapped Orion and stole his energy, he shut off the Rangers’ Legendary Powers and then continues to trick them into doing his bidding without them even knowing! Did I mention that he kidnapped and made RoboKnight evil so that he could fight off his comrades? Plus, he enlists the help of two monsters who merely are his bitches not only dying for him, but they also appear to be powerful added arsenal on his arms! Vrak is too cool!

Return of the Megaforce Zords: What was interesting about this scene is that the Rangers dust off their abandoned Zords and use them as if nothing has changed. “Oh, let’s just go back to these older Zords, NBD.” What made it even worse, for me, was that they continued to make comments about how awesome the Zords are and that they’re still cool.

The Drills: This was the best twist in the episode when the Rangers find out that their work destroying Tresnag was all playing right into Vrak’s hands!
Another good aspect carried over from Goseiger! Vrak is obsessed with these drills, right? Well what better plan than to trick the Rangers into doing the work for you!
Now that Vrak has entered Drills in the three elements, by Air, by Land and by Sea.

Final Thought

I won’t spoil anything for you but having personally seen the entirety of Super Megaforce and the second part of this episode, that this two-parter is the best that Super Megaforce has to offer. What’s sad is that it is all Goseiger focused when we should be focused on Gokaiger stories, but I digress.
For the first time in a long time I felt like I was watching Power Rangers. This two-parter felt more like Power Rangers than I’ve felt in a while, meaning that while I am watching I feel like a kid again just enjoying the action and a badass story! Vrak came back and gave the Rangers a run for their money!
I cannot wait for next week when it totally gets real with “Vrak is Back, Part 2”


Story: 10/10
Action: 10/10
Monsters:  10/10
All Together: 10/10

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