ToQ-Thoughts: Diesel-Oh



I’ve had Diesel Ressha for a few days now, and I think now its time for me to share my thoughts about it. This won’t be a formal review, because I think that the review format works far better in the video format, but I still want to share what I think of the ToQger’s latest addition to their mecha arsenal.

A lot of people have had mixed feelings over Diesel-Oh because of how flat he looks, and its a valid concern. He doesn’t have much depth to him because of how the three ressha that combines to form Diesel-Oh are designed. I however like this design choice because it’s different. It’s not like  every mecha from ToQger is designed that way so I welcome a side mecha do be a little different looking.

Diesel-Oh Chrome

One thing about Diesel-Oh that’s really nice is the return of gold chrome. Its been awhile since we’ve had chrome on any Sentai mecha so I’m enjoying the fact that Bandai is returning it in some fashion. The gold chrome on Diesel-Oh’s chest looks fantastic, and really adds a lot to the overall aesthetic of his design.

Cho ToQ-Oh

Now the absolute best part of Diesel-Oh is when he is combined with ToQ-Oh to become Cho ToQ-Oh. This design looks fantastic! I really love how all the colors mix together from the various ressha. The combination feels sturdy and has a good weight to it, and the design works very well. I especially love the train tracks on the new helmet Cho ToQ-Oh has. This is how I’ll be displaying both mecha in my collection!

Let me know your thoughts on Diesel-Oh, and how the DX mecha line for ToQger is shaping up in your opinion! I’m especially excited to receive the Kyoryuger and Go-Buster resshas! They should be arriving this week, so expect to see more on them from me in the future!

So What do you think of Diesel-Oh’s Design?

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