Super Megaforce Episode 4 “A Lion’s Alliance” Episode Review

“A Lion’s Alliance” was a fun visit to the past and for the first time Super Megaforce has succeeded, rather on the skin of its teeth, in creating our best to date Tribute Episode. Yes, I said it. While the SPD and Mystic Force Episodes technically count as tributes this is the first episode where it seems as if the team, the story and the footage all work together to create a Wild Force vibe to the episode.
We get battle noises, weapons, Morph Calls, Zords, Locations and Powers!
As I’ve stated previously, I have some tiny nitpicking topics to go over as well as gush over what I loved the most!
The Intro Megazord Battle, albeit a little random it was still rather impressive to see the Rangers battle with not only their SPD Powers but their Mystic Force Powers as well. These scenes are one of the items that are best about the footage being used here.The use of this footage does set up the scene to follow in which Gosei sends them on a mission for the Red Lion on Animaria.Suddenly, their new powers aren’t enough.

The Skyship Search, already needing new power the Rangers set off in search of the floating island in which a new ally lay waiting.
I love each and every scene on the Skyship’s crows nest, I just really hope they show us the inside. However, these scenes are a delight! It is even cooler to see the Super Megaforce Rangers with their helmets off!
Not to mention the awesome scene with Jake and Gia when Troy mistakenly sends them into each other’s embrace! Loved that scene!
Let’s see more of this kind of originality in this season!

Animaria, was presented beautifully in the first few scenes of entrance and then battle. First, Gosei and Noah explained why it was important and then the Skyship takes them around the Earth three times until the Island is finally found. However, I was not too much of a fan of some parts of the locale chosen to represent Animaria. Some locales were beautiful, Sentai footage no doubt, but several of the New Zealand locales looked as if they were shot in desert states like New Mexico or Arizona, in the summer.
Lots of dead grass and brush, if you noticed it then you know what I am talking about.

Legendary Black Ranger Mode, how epic is this? I loved this in the Sentai footage and I am so happy that it was used. Not only did we get the 3 Rangers morph into Black  Rangers, we got the Female Black Skirts and each Ranger announced which Ranger they were and from what team!
I was a little disappointed the battle didn’t last that long, from what I remember the Sentai footage used an All White Ranger change afterwards but with Sentai Rangers. Oh Well, it was still an amazing moment to see!

The Lion Zord, was presented amazingly in the Gokaiger footage and spliced in with the new footage amazingly as well!
Especially when he gets angry and swipes them all off the island! Several of the scenes shown were of the Red Lion on a mountain roaring! Those scenes are beautiful! I also loved the changes to Red Lion which pretty much sum up a little bit of a new look from Wild Force to reflect the Japanese toys. Sadly, the US Version of Red Lion does not have lights and sounds!
Regardless, I would’ve got the Deer Zord, but that’s me 😉

De-Morphing down Two Modes, this is another reason why the Megaforce suits need to go. After the Red Lion smacks them all off of Animaria the Rangers fall to Earth once more. Although at this point they go back to Megaforce. Which means the Red Lion was able to knock them out of two modes! Wild Force Legendary to Super Megaforce to Megaforce.

Sensing the Lion Zord, I was a little confused throughout the episode when Noah would mention that he could sense the Lion Zord. Why Exactly? I am a little wierded out as to why Noah is suddenly chosen to speak with the Red Lion. So far all we’ve seen is that Noah has his Database that tells him of Ranger related things, but he really never bonded with the Red Lion to give him this insight. Although a Wild Force focus Episode, I will admit that this was a Noah focus episode too.

Wild Force Tribute, there are some things I loved and some things not so much.
The Morph Sequence was beautiful and the sounds of the Wild Zords while the Rangers were battling was a nice touch as well!
I am still sad the theme songs aren’t being utilized.
I was also super happy that the Rangers used the Jungle Sword’s Savage Slash!!!!!!

The Surging Shark, Blue Shark Fighting Fins were the only Wild Force Weapon used individually.
This is another reason why I think this is a Noah episode, but it was still amazing to see the weapons in action once again!

Legendary Wild Force Megazord, this mode was one of my least favorites from Gokaiger. I am just not a fan of a Megazord losing its legs and then riding on the Lion or the Turbo Falcon Zord in the future.  Strangely, the Megazord battle in the beginning of the episode was more impressive than this battle. However, the Red Lion’s appearance and combination still was amazing to listen to even without the Wild Force Red Lion sounds being used….. 🙁

Monster of the Day; General Peluso proved to be another monster that was barely apart of the story but instead was a place holder to stop the Rangers from gaining more powers. Peluso had very little personality but I will give kudos to his voice actor, James Gaylyn, who did quite an awesome job at the voice!

Final Thoughts

With this Wild Force tribute now over, it gives me hope for the Samurai and RPM Tributes which are just around the corner. I am still a little biffed we aren’t getting the theme songs when the Rangers Morph into a team. I mean, can we not do this even over the Morphin Sequence?
The Wild Force powers, the Red Lion, Legendary Black Ranger Mode and the Skyship scenes made this episode great!
Either way, this episode served us Wild Force and we got it, but the tip will be low.


Story: 8/10
Action: 9/10
Monsters:  7/10
All Together: 8/10

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