Power Rangers Megaforce Hot Wheels: Series 3 Review

After a long and exhausting search for these cars, I’m back with my next review, which is about the Series 3 line of the Megaforce Hot Wheels! While it did take some time for me to find the Megaforce Pink car in stores, it has been listed on Amazon (and several on eBay) for the past several months. Series 3 consists of the notably hard-to-find Pink Ranger vehicle, and the Vrak “Alien Cyborg” vehicle.

So, let’s jump right into this review!

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As with the first 2 Series, the packaging is very consistent, with a forward-shot of the Ranger/villain, and the logo on the right. I still like the color scheme used, especially for the background and the outer edges. One thing people seemed to notice, though, was the image used for the Vrak car. Not only is it his final “cyborg” form, but we haven’t even seen it in the show yet! Something I noticed as well, is that it isn’t so-much as a forward-shot as the Rangers’ are, but on the back it is, which you can see below.

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The back of the packaging is also similar to the previous Series, showing the other vehicles that you can collect from the same line. Although, for some strange reason, the Megaforce Blue car is listed here. Either it’s just a random thing they decided to add, due to excess space, or he might actually be in this line (which I doubt). Instead of having the random extra car there, they could’ve instead: 1) Used the 20th anniversary car; 2) Make a 3rd car for the set; or 3) Make the Pink and Vrak squares bigger so it filled up the extra space.

Aside from that tiny error, let’s move on to the vehicles themselves. I’ll start with Vrak, seeing as I found him first.

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The design for the Vrak car is based off of his final form, which is his cyborg form created by Metal Alice, yet to be seen on the show. He is also referred to as an alien cyborg under his name. Above the small 20th anniversary logo (where the Ranger’s Zord headers usually are) is a random symbol for Vrak. I guess it fits, but I don’t really understand what it’s supposed to be. Robot parts? Anyways, the car itself is interesting. I like how its all-original, because the Ranger cars are based off of their Mechazords. I like the colors used, especially the bright streaks of blue on the sides.

Let’s move on to the Pink car.

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Here’s where I say how hard this thing was to find, and how grateful I was to actually find it. I found the Vrak car near the beginning of summer, maybe June, and I just found the Pink car about a few days ago. Some people have had more luck than others, but a lot of people resorted to ordering it online. I waited to find it in stores, because these babies were going for over $20 a piece.

Aside from how hard it is to find, I actually really like the design. As with the other Rangers’ vehicles, the Pink Rangers Gosei symbol (air) is featured on the car. The car itself has a different design than the other Ranger cars, and is more original, I think. The others’ tended to stay closer to a design that resembled their Mechazords, but I guess they were pushing boundaries with the Pink Ranger. A highly-awaited car deserved a more-original design, I suppose.  Although the “wings” on the back of the car resemble the Phoenix Zord. Color-wise, I like the all-white with the pink outline.

Final Thoughts:

As I’ve said in my past review of the first 2 Series, I was confused as to how the cars were released. Red, Blue, and 20th anniversary for Series 1, and Black, Yellow, and Robo Knight for Series 2. Personally, I would’ve released Red, Blue, and Black for Series 1, then Yellow, Pink, and Robo Knight for Series 2. The 20th anniversary car should’ve been an exclusive to the Hot Wheels play-set it’s featured in. As for Vrak, he could’ve been featured in a Series 4, which could be Ultra Red, Ultra Blue, and Vrak, making Series 5 consist of Ultra Black, Ultra Yellow, and Ultra Pink.

I could go on about this all day, but I’ve made my point. They released the cars weird, but at least we still got them. And I hope we actually see Ultra Mode vehicles sometime! Maybe next year we’ll get Super Megaforce Hot Wheels, which would be pretty sweet. I’d love to see those happen. Anyways, let’s wrap this up with my personal scores:

Packaging: 8.5/10

Detail: 9/10

Personal Score: 9/10

Do you want these in your collection? What cars would you like to see next?

That was my first toy review for a while. Sorry about the wait, everyone! Thank you for reading, and don’t forget to follow me on Tumblr and Twitter.

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