20th Anniversary PR Monopoloy and Trivia Pursuit Images!

fun and games

Thanks to @MisturYellow and RangerCrew for their finds and sources
See the original post here


The release date of the 20th Anniversary Power Rangers Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit is near, though we still have no set release date!
Luckily, some promotional images have been found which highlight some tidbits we haven’t seen before.
Let’s start with Monopoly!

Monopoly Gameboard

Here is the awesome shot of the game board! It looks like the fans got what they wanted because the board represents more than just MMPR.
I can see references to Samurai (Headquarters), Alien Rangers (Aquitar),  Overdrive (Battefleet), Time Force (The Clock Tower), Jungle Fury (Pai Zhua Academy) and so much more! I have to say that I am super excited to play this!
I also hope they release the center image as some kind of wallpaper because, WOW.
Click the image to take a closer look.


With the game besides to cool as hell Power Ranger Monopoly Money, you also receive 6 game tokens!

“Morph into the Power Rangers universe in this special Power Rangers 20th Anniversary edition of MONOPOLY. Iconic locations spanning the 20 year legacy are up for grabs as players power up to buy, sell and trade Gosei’s Command Center, The Power Chamber, Rita Repulsa’s Palace and more. Be a force to be reckoned with by improving your properties with Zords and Megazords in your battle to protect the world. Game includes 6 collectible tokens – Alpha 5, Lightning Bolt, White Ranger Helmet, Megazord, Power Morpher and Goldar.”


It appears as if the Trivial Pursuit game works just as any other Trivial Pursuit but filled entirely with Power Rangers Trivia!


The Game Board features images of Zordon, Movie Clips, a Power Morpher, Alpha, the signature Thunder Bolt and the Dino Megazord.
One could infer what the categories could be but I would be purely guessing.
Don’t fret, I can guarantee that this game includes more than just MMPR questions and spans all previous seasons of Power Rangers.
Make sure to pick these up when they are released, the Power Force helped write many many of the questions!
Stay tuned for a release date when it is revealed.

“Do you know the name of Zordon’s sidekick? How about the name of the Red Samurai Ranger’s signature weapon? Or can you name 3 Power Ranger seasons with the world “force” in it? Blast into the Power Rangers universe in this special Power Rangers 20th Anniversary Edition of TRIVIAL PURSUIT. For the first time ever, the Power Rangers team up with America’s favorite trivia game so fans of all ages can test their knowledge of these legendary heroes with 1,800 questions covering the Power Rangers gear, the allies and villains they faced, their morphing powers and more.”

The Games are to be released this summer at select retailers for $39.95

What you do think?

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