My Picks For Power Rangers 2013 Cast

UPDATE: AS OF 6/11/2012 THE OFFICIAL Season is GOSEIGER and not GOKAIGER, While some of my picks for Rangers are still valid they will not be wearing the Gokaiger Suits!

(this is not official casting news, this is all speculation on my part)

It’s still unknown which team of Rangers is going to be used just yet, the popular belief is that it will be Gokaiger’s Pirate Rangers and the Goseiger suits will be used somewhere else, or after, or not at all! Basically no one knows and Saban is keeping it a secret!

Last year when we all thought that Goseiger’s adaptation was Season 19 and that Samurai would end there was a buzz over casting of the next season and I wrote one of these articles in which I featured my picks for the new cast. Of course, we all know that casting for the Goseiger Adaptation was cancelled and instead Super Samurai became the 19th Season. But the 20th Anniversary is coming quickly and the newest season will be the 20th and Anniversary season. Gokaiger seems like the perfect pick for that and even if the Goseiger suits have to be passed over or used in another way I want to see the newest Rangers’ tributes to past teams via the Ranger Keys, I just do!

RangerCrew (Click here to see the casting thread) is the best source for casting news and on their site they have listed all of the actors and actresses who have received a call back as the race for the suits commences! Among those, I have selected 5 who I think have the right look for Power Rangers as well as a good match for their Japanese counterparts, if you agree send them a tweet and let them know!

Seth Austin (Twitter)
Seth auditioned for last time around and I picked him for Red Ranger then as well,  he has the right look and if you look him up on YouTube he has the right moves as well! Personally, I am wondering if they will go for the cocky hero like Marvelous was in Gokaiger. If they do, perhaps Seth can pull that off too.

Luke Patton (Twitter)
Luke has a fantastic look and again looks like he can match Joe’s mannerisms from Gokaiger. He has to have the tough Ranger-like appearance and mannerisms sort of like Ryuunosuke from Shinkenger that Najee De-Tiege attempts to pull of for Kevin, although I don’t think he achieves it.

Sundai Love (Twitter)
I loved the idea of an African-American girl playing the Yellow Ranger because  Luka had swag and attitude and Sundai (from her picture layouts) looks like she is sassy and can work that ‘tude! Luka was bad-ass, beautiful and one of the strongest female Rangers I have seen. I can see that confidence in Sundai’s eyes.

Brandon Perea (Twitter)
Brandon is just adorable and looks like he has a goofy side. I remember thinking the same thing about Hector David Jr and of course we’ve all seen what sort of goofy and fun side Mike has. Don was the silly one, the one who was looked down upon by even the Villains but he ends up to be quite powerful and reliable. A goof-ball and the comic relief, it looks like Brandon can pull that off.

Baylee Curran (Twitter)
Ahim was demure, princess-like and always proper. Baylee looks like she can pull that mannerism off very well. Even from her pictures she looks like a Pink Ranger and I can already see the princess-like and feminine wiles that this Pink Ranger needs.

To conclude, when I place these headshots close together the team is very diverse, but they look as if they could make a team. The Gokaigers all had very different personalities and if we are going to copy Gokaiger as we did Shinkenger I believe that these actors have the right look for the team. Like I said, If you think so send them a tweet or a follow and let them know!

Stay Tuned, I will report when the Cast has been Officially announced!

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