Updates! Jungle Fury Marathon, Clash of the Red Rangers Gets Airdate!

I’m back from a long vacation over the Halloween Holiday and since I’ve been gone there have been a lot of new things to report on!
Its not quite new news, but thats what makes it Not So New News!

Jungle Fury Marathon on NickTOONS

 Nick has announced a Jungle Fury Marathon.
Beginning on November 18th @ 7PM ET it will continue for 48 Hours!
Now, that is pretty cool but there’s a nagging feeling in me; why Jungle Fury?

Clash of the Red Rangers gets an airdate!

Clash of the Red Rangers will air the Saturday after Thanksgiving,
 SAT November 26th, 2011 @ 12:00E/1:00C
Reports state that  none of the RPM cast will appear in the special and will remain MORPHED with their helmets on the entire movie. The Rangers’ voices will be dubbed over with voice actors. No word on whether the voices are the actors themselves or others made to sound like them.
My Two Cents: Personally this sounds awful to me, I remember the SPD/Dino Thunder team-up where they used Tommy, the Black Dino Ranger and dubbed a similar sounding voice over and it was pretty bad. Many are already comparing this special to “Trakeena’s Revenge” so far known as the worst team-up in Power Ranger History.
Will “Clash of the Red Rangers” take the crown?