Samurai Season 2 Toy Rumors!!!!

UPDATED 11/9/2011

Samurai Season 2 Wave of Toys Rumors
BigBadToyStore is usually the go-to-guys for the upcoming Power Ranger toy news, they have pre-orders for the products before many of us know they are going to be made. They have been right about a lot of toys so far, and here are the products they show for the newest season and wave of Power Rangers Samurai Toys.

It’s called the “DX Bull Megazord” based on the BOJ Mougyudaioh from Shinkenger.
At first, I wasn’t sure if we were going to get this Zord at all and apparently it looks like we are!
I can’t wait!

It appears that there is a set that comes with the TigerZord & LanternZord which has yet to be released.
It is based on Daigoyou from Shinkenger which is Genta’s (ShinkenGold)  wise-talkin’ buddy. It is a cute hand held friend and then later becomes a great help to the Rangers. Again, I didnt think we would even see him in the show, but again I was wrong! I want this a lot!

Now, if you look closely the description also includes a “SpiderZord” I honestly have no idea what this could be as there was never a Spider Mecha in Shinkenger, and it would be the first in Power Rangers History.

These are pretty exciting as well!
1st, we have the Stylized Figures that will be the same as the Mighty Morphin’ Rangers released in 2010. I loved these and had to have all of them! So looks like i’ll be buying all of these as well!

2nd, is a battery operated Megazord. Hmmm, that could be cool if they do it right. At least its not another Helicopter Megazord. BARF.
3rd, is a Lion Zord with the Super Red Ranger. I would def buy that as well!
4th, the Dojo Training Playset. This could also be fun but will most likely only include the male rangers. I wonder what this will look like!

This could mean a few things, it could be a Megazord combination with the Bull or Lantern which is possible as they were shown in Shinkenger. Or this could be an entirely new Megazord/Zord. Either way I can’t wait to find out!

Good News for Parents and Kids alike! Power Rangers Samurai Back Packs and Lunch Boxes are now available.
So Far I’ve seen them at Ebay and Amazon!

Power Rangers Samurai Squinkies
Ok, I’ve only seen these things because my niece happens to love them, so I’ve never actually held one in my hand. However, I want these now! They are beyond cute!
Looks like there are Rangers, Nighloks and the Rangers out of suit! Nice!
(thanks to Morg_Lamia for the image)

What do you think of these new toys?

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