(IDW Comics) Godzilla vs MMPR II #2 Review

(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!) They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com


Last issue, we got a glimpse at the multiverse shenanigans with the White Ranger teaming up with the MMPR Rangers, Astronema with Rita Repulsa, and the Psycho Rangers crossed with Ghidorah. 

Let’s see how this continues! 

The Cover

Though I feel the concept is a bit basic, the framing of it absolutely sells the concept. It’s almost as if the photo is a first-person view, jumping down with the rest of the Rangers while Godzilla looks up and sees us as a threat. It’s amazing.

The Story

The Zord battle between the MMPR team and the Psycho Rangers is not going too good. So, the White Ranger uses his fragment of the Multiversal Focus to send the battle to another dimension with less risk for civilian casualties. At least, he tries to. 

All of them end up in a place called World’s Children Land next to Godzilla Tower. (Yes, really.) Billy detects everyone running away from the scene, except a human figure running directly towards the fight. That figure soon grows to giant size, revealing it to be the advanced robot known as Jet Jaguar! Jet Jaguar helps fight Rita’s monsters while getting a less-than-friendly greeting from Gdozilla. The Rangers are then contacted by the inventor of Jet Jaguar, Goro Ibuki. Goro has been tracking the disturbances throughout reality, revealing that all of the tears Rita has been doing could potentially destroy every dimension in the multiverse. However, the good news is that Goro can use the White Ranger’s fragment to track down the source of the anomalies AKA Rita. They just need to survive this fight first… 

More of Rita’s monsters arrive like Lanterra and the Dark Warrior. The Rangers soon realize they need more power and try to form the Mega Dragonzord, but there are too many monsters around, interrupting the transformation. So, with not a lot of options, Tommy forcibly combines his Dragonzord on top of Godzilla, combining their two powers. 

Consent, Tommy. It’s a thing. Godzilla has feelings and he’d rather have a choice for his head not to be locked into a metal helmet.

As they’re taking care of that, finishing them off, the White Ranger gives Jet Jaguar his fragment. With Goro’s help, they’re able to teleport all of the Megazords, Godzilla, and Jet Jaguar to another universe where another MMPR team is in danger (well, just, Billy). 

 Godzilla is about to start attacking the Megazords again when the Psycho Rangers appear giant size ready to fight. Only… they’re not the Psycho Rangers we’ve seen before… 

Now, I see why Kaiju don’t talk. So many words!

Ending Thoughts

I literally don’t know any of these Psycho Rangers so odds are, I’m gonna have a hard time tracking who’s supposed to be who for the next issue. 

Which, actually, sums up my feelings about this issue. 

The action served up some ‘epic’ moments and did them justice like Jet Jaguar appearing or the Dragon Godzilla firing off his attacks. However, for the rest of it, it felt a bit rushed due to the scale of the fight. The previous crossover had a multitude of monsters as well, but it took its time to build up to that and give any newcomer an idea of what was happening. But, here, we have three Megazords, Godzilla, and Jet Jaguar vs a large group of monsters that then got reinforcements without any proper introduction and immediately just launched into the fight. It’s too big to keep track of, going from fight to fight to fight. The comic tries to remedy these fast transitions through the introduction of Goro and his robot as he tries to explain what is happening. But, it doesn’t help to fix it especially when the action is most of the issue. 

In a much faster pace than we are used to, Godzilla vs Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #2 brings a new ally, Jet Jaguar, into the fight (PUNCH! PUNCH! PUNCH!) before it unsuccessfully hypes up a battle against the Kaiju Gone Psycho.

Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid

  • Ok, so, I may not be familiar with everything Godzilla. But, I do recognize Jet Jaguar. Don’t know his full backstory, but now that I’ve read his “introduction”, my initial assumption to him was correct: “He’s a cool dude.” 
  • I can’t tell if this Goro kid is smart enough to track things throughout multiple dimensions. Someone wanna fact check that for me?
  • Also, I was a bit disappointed to see another Billy is the one that needs saving. Would rather use the opportunity to try and get another Ranger team in here. There are more teams that I could see combined with Godzilla. Or gee, maybe the Space Rangers since the Psycho Rangers are their department!
  • … Is Space Godzilla different from regular Godzilla?