Boom! Studios February 2024 Covers Released! (MMPR #117 & MMPR The Return #1)

Boom! Studios has released covers and a plot synopsis for their Power Rangers comics releasing in February, which includes Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #117, & Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers The Return #1.

Covers & Plot Synopsis

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #117
Writer: Melissa Flores
Artist: Simona Di Gianfelice
Release Date: 02/28/24
Things are desperate on Earth as Mistress Vile attacks, with Power Rangers from different universes and civilians alike teaming up to keep the carnage at bay, but some special objects may be the key to keeping the planet safe… even if it won’t last for long.
As Billy and the HyperForce Rangers rush to repair the Master Arch, they’re only able to pull a single ally from the heart of the Morphin Grid as Dark Specter’s power grows…

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers The Return #1
Writer: Amy Jo Johnson & Matt Hotson
Artist: Nico Leon
Release Date: 02/07/24
A brand new Mighty Morphin saga from the imagination of the original Pink Power Ranger herself! In an alternate universe, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers finally defeated Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, but at a terrible cost… In the wake of tragedy, the team went their separate ways. 22 years later, the long-disbanded team reunites to mourn the losses of beloved friends, but Zack and Billy have some unexpected information to share—Jason, the Red Ranger, has been operating as a lone vigilante, and has since disappeared. Will the remaining Rangers be able to track him down, especially with a mysterious figure in pursuit? Written by actress, screenwriter, and director Amy Jo Johnson, the original Pink Ranger herself, along with rising star co-writer Matt Hotson (Titans) and renowned artist Nico Leon (Spider-Man, Catwoman), fans can experience something unlike anything they ever have before in the Power Rangers universe, in TV or comics!