Netflix has released a trailer and screenshots for the 30th Season of Power Rangers, Power Rangers Cosmic Fury.
This first trailer features the first morph sequence, some fight footage, some zord footage and some quick shots of the Dark Ranger!
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury will release all ten of its episodes exclusively on Netflix September 29th.
Plot Synopsis
Lord Zedd has escaped, and this time his rampage extends to the farthest reaches of space! The Rangers need to find new Zords and new powers to face Zedd’s latest threat, and they won’t do so alone. Joined by some familiar faces, they will discover the power of the Cosmic Orbs and become the Cosmic Fury Rangers, armed with new uniforms, new weapons, and an entirely new fleet of Zords!
Returning Cast
Russell Curry As Zayto/Zenith Cosmic Fury Ranger
Hunter Deno As Amelia Jones/Red Cosmic Fury Ranger
Kai Moya As Ollie Akana/Blue Cosmic Fury Ranger
Chance Perez As Javi Garcia/Black Cosmic Fury Ranger
Tessa Rao As Izzy Garcia/Green Cosmic Fury Ranger
Jordon Fite As Aiyon/Gold Cosmic Fury Ranger
Jacqueline Joe As Fern/Orange Cosmic Fury Ranger
David Yost As Billy Cranston/Blue Ranger