Name: Javi Garcia
Ranger: Black Cosmic Fury Ranger
Actor: Chance Perez
Episodes: 51
First Appearance: “New Recruits”
Last Appearance: “The End”
Sentai: Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger & Uchu Sentai Kyuranger
Producer: Hasbro & Netflix
Character Bio
Javi Garcia, the Black Dino Fury Ranger is called to duty once again after Lord Zedd escape his crystal imprisonment on Zordnia. During the fight on Zordnia, he is given Master Red’s Staff, which leads him to an alter containing new zords. He ultimately decides to be the one to place the Master Staff inside the alter to unlock the zords, with the energy from it causing him to lose one of his arms. When the team returns to Earth however, he is given a Rafkonian Arm that takes him some time to get use to due its strength. After Lord Zedd destroy his connection to the Morphin Grid, the Stego Statue, he is given new powers by Billy Cranston, becoming the Black Cosmic Fury Ranger. Javi laments over the loss of his arm for a while due to its power not letting him play music the same way but eventually finds a new way of playing music. After Lord Zedd is defeated, he is seen performing at the Victory Concert on Earth.
Cosmic Morpher
The Cosmic Morpher is a gauntlet-like device that after inserting a Cosmic Orb gives Javi Garcia the ability to morph into the Black Cosmic Fury Ranger.
Stego Cosmic Orb
The Stego Cosmic Orb is a mystical orb infused with the powers of the Stegosaurus and gives Javi Garcia the ability to morph into the Black Cosmic Fury Ranger.
Cosmic Eagle Zord
The Cosmic Eagle Zord is a pink eagle-like zord originating from Zordnia and is piloted by the Black Cosmic Fury Ranger to fight a Squid Drill piloted by Bajillia on Akaal’s Moon. The Cosmic Eagle Zord is destroyed by Master Zedd during the final battle on Eltar.
Cosmic Grizzly Zord
The Cosmic Grizzly Zord is a light blue bear-like zord originating from Zordnia and is piloted by the Black Cosmic Fury to fight a giant Scuttle Worm on Erridus and to fight a Squid Drill in Pine Ridge. The Cosmic Grizzly Zord is destroyed by Master Zedd during the final battle on Eltar.
Cosmic Chameleo Zord
The Cosmic Chameleo Zord is a green chameleon-like zord originating from Zordnia and is piloted by the Black Cosmic Fury Ranger to fight a Copyguard on Erridus’ Moon. The Cosmic Chameleo Zord is destroyed by Master Zedd during the final battle on Eltar.
Cosmic Bull Zord
The Cosmic Bull Zord is a black bull-like zord originating from Zordnia and is piloted by the Black Cosmic Fury Ranger to fight Inkworth on Eltar. The Cosmic Bull Zord is destroyed by Master Zedd during the final battle on Eltar.
Rafkonian Arm
The Rafkonian Arm is a cybernetic arm created by Billy Cranston & Solon in place of the arm he loses while placing the Master Staff to unlock the Cosmic Fury Zord. The Rafkonian Arm is extremely powerful, with Javi having to get used to it power to play musical instruments like the guitar.
Stego Spike Axe
The Stego Spike Axe is the personal axe-like weapon of the Black Cosmic Fury Ranger.
Other Forms
Black Dino Fury Ranger
Episodes: “Lightning Strikes” & “Beyond Repair”
Javi Garcia continues his role as the Black Dino Fury Ranger until his powers are destroyed for good after Lord Zedd destroys the Stego Statue at Dinohenge.
Meat Chrome Band Member
Episode: “Rock Out”
Javi Garcia disguises himself as a guitarist and singer of a fake heavy metal band named Meat Chrome to distract Bajillia’s Miners while Zayto releases the Cosmic Dragon Zord.