Name: Isabella Naya Garcia
Ranger: Green Cosmic Fury Ranger
Actor: Tessa Rao
Episodes: 51
First Appearance: “New Recruits”
Last Appearance: “The End”
Sentai: Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger & Uchu Sentai Kyuranger
Producer: Hasbro & Netflix
Character Bio
Izzy Garcia, the Green Dino Fury Ranger is called to duty once again after Lord Zedd escape his crystal imprisonment on Zordnia. She planned to still attend Oakdale College with her girlfriend, Fern despite the threat of Lord Zedd but is forced to put these plans on hold after Lord Zedd destroys Dinohenge and forces them to retreat to Erridius. After her connection to the Morphin’ Grid, the Tiger Statue is destroyed, Izzy is given new powers by Billy Cranston, becoming the Green Cosmic Fury Ranger. Izzy becomes very concerned with Fern’s safety during their space adventures but eases up after Fern becomes with Orange Cosmic Fury Ranger. After Lord Zedd is defeated, she presumably attends Oakdale College with Fern.
Cosmic Morpher
The Cosmic Morpher is a gauntlet-like device that after inserting a Cosmic Orb gives Izzy Garcia the ability to morph into the Green Cosmic Fury Ranger.
Tiger Cosmic Orb
The Tiger Cosmic Orb is a mystical orb infused with the powers of the Sabertooth Tiger and gives Izzy Garcia the ability to morph into the Green Cosmic Fury Ranger.
Cosmic Chameleo Zord
The Cosmic Chameleo Zord is a green chameleon-like zord originating from Zordnia and is piloted by the Green Cosmic Fury Ranger a few times in the intergalactic war against Lord Zedd. The Cosmic Chameleo Zord is destroyed by Master Zedd during the final battle on Eltar.
Cosmic Bull Zord
The Cosmic Bull Zord is a black bull-like zord originating from Zordnia and is piloted by the Green Cosmic Fury Ranger while fighting the Mega Squid Drill piloted by Doodrip. The Cosmic Bull Zord is destroyed by Master Zedd during the final battle on Eltar.
Cosmic Shark Zord
The Cosmic Shark Zord is a yellow shark-like zord originating from Zordnia and is piloted by the Green Cosmic Fury Ranger to fight the Squid Drill piloted by Ollie Akana on Levvina. The Cosmic Shark Zord is destroyed by Master Zedd during the final battle on Eltar.
Tiger Claw Daggers
The Tiger Claw Daggers are the personal dagger-like weapons of the Green Cosmic Fury Ranger.
Other Forms
Green Dino Fury Ranger
Episodes: “Lightning Strikes” & “Beyond Repair”
Izzy Garcia continues her role as the Green Dino Fury Ranger until her powers are destroyed for good after Lord Zedd destroys the Tiger Statue at Dinohenge.
Meat Chrome Band Member
Episode: “Rock Out”
Izzy Garcia disguises herself as a singer of a fake heavy metal band named Meat Chrome to distract Bajillia’s Miners while Zayto releases the Cosmic Dragon Zord.