Name: Ollie Akana
Ranger: Blue Cosmic Fury Ranger
Actor: Kai Moya
Episodes: 53
First Appearance: “Destination Dinohenge”
Last Appearance: “The End”
Sentai: Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger & Uchu Sentai Kyuranger
Producer: Hasbro & Netflix
Character Bio
Ollie Akana, the Blue Dino Fury Ranger is called to duty once again after Lord Zedd escape his crystal imprisonment on Zordnia. After being exposed to the same goo that turned him evil last time, Ollie becomes one of Lord Zedd’s most loyal servants, gaining a new suit to fight his former teammates. He is cured of his evil influence after Slyther & Mucus destroys his Tricera Statue and rejoins his teammates as the Blue Cosmic Fury Ranger. He also assists in the final battle against Lord Zedd & Squid Ink by creating the Cosmic Blaster. After defeating Lord Zedd, he resumes his relationship with Amelia Jones, the Red Cosmic Fury Ranger.
Dino Fury Morpher (Corrupted)
The Corrupted Dino Fury Morpher is a corrupted version of the Dino Fury Morpher created by Scrozzle to give Ollie Akana the ability to morph into the Evil Blue Dino Fury Ranger.
Cosmic Morpher
The Cosmic Morpher is a gauntlet-like device that after inserting a Cosmic Orb gives Ollie Akana the ability to morph into the Blue Cosmic Fury Ranger.
Tricera Cosmic Orb
The Tricera Cosmic Orb is a mystical orb infused with the powers of the Triceratops and gives Ollie Akana the ability to morph into the Blue Cosmic Fury Ranger.
Dark Chromafury Saber
The Dark Chromafury Saber is a navy blue sword-like weapon used by the Evil Blue Dino Fury Ranger.
Tricera Blaster
The Tricera Blaster is the personal blaster-like weapon created by Scrozzle and is used by the Evil Blue Dino Fury Ranger and the Blue Cosmic Fury Ranger.
Other Forms
Blue Dino Fury Ranger
Episode: “Lightning Strikes”
Ollie Akana continues his role as the Blue Dino Fury Ranger until his powers are converted to evil, becoming the Evil Blue Dino Fury Ranger.
Evil Blue Dino Fury Ranger
Episodes: “Team Work” to “Switching Sides”
Ollie Akana is given a corrupted version of his Dino Fury Morpher after swearing his loyalty to Lord Zedd, giving him the ability to morph into an evil version of the Blue Dino Fury Rangers. These powers are destroyed however after Mucus & Slyther blow up the Tricera Statue from Dinohenge.