(BOOM! Comics) Power Rangers #20 Review

(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com


Xi’s Log, Safehaven, Stardate 2022.6: 

“Hello, my name is Xi. I am a robotic helper designed to help the Omega Rangers of Safehaven, but a majority of the team has returned to their home planet to grieve a loved one. And, unfortunately, I will not help Yale with his current duties as I do not want to be “sliced in half”.

In the meantime, I will be helping Andros of KO-35 interrogate a Xurix prisoner for information regarding the Delta Megaship’s location. I believe I will be the “good cop” in this scenario. I will offer the Xurix a chocolate donut for starters…”

The Cover

It’s a good ominous shot, shows everyone grieving and sets the mood of the whole issue. There are just two problems with it though. First off, can you tell me if Jason is actually on the cover? Is he in front of Xi or petting Yale? I don’t think you can. Secondly, yeah, Xi and Yale didn’t get the invitation in story. So, this cover is a bold-faced lie.

The Story

At Angel Grove, every human Ranger attends Jason’s mom’s funeral. At her wake, Ernie and other people come to pay their respects. It turns out that his mom had an irregular heartbeat and she died in her sleep.

On Safehaven, Andros and Xi interrogate a Xurix prisoner for info about the Delta Megaship’s location, but the Xurix isn’t playing ball. It acts all cocky and says that KO-35 was begging to be invaded. Andros tells Xi that they should call it a night, but when Xi isn’t looking, Andros uses some brutal interrogation techniques.

Back on Earth, at night, Jason’s dad tells his son that he’s selling the house and moving out of Angel Grove to live with his sister. Jason offers to come back home permanently, but his dad says absolutely not and tells his son to live his own life like how he’s going to live his own.

At the Juice Bar, the next day, Zack is a proud dad showing off videos of his kid (Journey) while Jason denies Trini’s offer to take some time off. He goes to the Command Center and tells Zordon about plans they should already be implementing to help the universe out. But, Zordon points out that it’s not Jason’s concern at the moment and offers his condolences. And, at that moment, Jason breaks down, telling Zordon that he regrets the things he didn’t do like not answering her last phone call or never telling her he was a Power Ranger.

Back on Safehaven, a clearly injured Xurix gives Xi coordinates for where they could potentially find the Megaship. As per protocol, Xi puts the Xurix in a dumpster and places the dumpster with the rest of them. But, it turns out that this was Andros’s plan. For the Xurix to use a device to teleport him inside of the vault and search for something that’s located there. Soon after, Andros starts hearing a voice coming from a dumpster that’s locked up tight at the end of the vault. And, so Andros blasts it open, hoping that he can use its power to destroy Dark Specter. And what is it exactly?

A Gold Omega Morpher.

Ending Thoughts

Ok, for the sake of this review, I’m going to ignore everything that has to do with someone being an idiot. So, that means I don’t care about Andros’s shenanigans right now. I’ll talk about it later.

Jason’s character arc has been a long thing running ever since Go Go Power Rangers #1. He started off as an ex-bully figuring out how to use his fists against the bad guys rather than the good ones. And then, he heard about his dad’s condition. There wasn’t anything he could actually do about it so he did what he did best: beat the bad guys. Then, between all of the chaos from Shattered Grid, the Necessary Evil event, and the Unlimited Power event, he always had his hands full dealing with the next big crisis. And, now here comes another obstacle in his life he can’t punch away. An obstacle that happened right now, not years in the future. To deal with it, Jason wants to find the next big event, something that can give him a distraction from his reality. Even though there seems to be another big event on the way (we can thank Andros for that), his breakdown with Zordon is the first step in having him slow down and think about where he wants his fight to end.

Power Rangers #20 is a major issue for our Omega Red Ranger’s character arc while another Red Ranger deals with his feelings of grief in a most likely destructive way.

Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid

  • Glad Ernie’s still here. It’s been so long since we legitimately had any screen time with him.
  • Today, we learned that Jason’s mom is named Ann Christine Scott. But, let’s face it. We’re never going to remember that. We will always refer to her as Jason’s mom.
  • There’s a reference to SPD with the “Alandria Accords”. It’s the planet that got destroyed at the beginning of the series.
  • So, Andros, you are now being added to the list of characters that inevitably released/created something that will destroy lots of people. Like I didn’t have enough reasons to not like you.