(BOOM! Comics) Power Rangers #13 Review

(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com


Yale’s Diary, Chapter 13:

“That’s right.

I’m a Meower Ranger now.”

The Cover

Taken straight from the Mighty Morphin #13 review:

“Anyway, there’s no contest with this one. As much as I love the bright and energetic look of our four Omega Rangers together, the pure imagery of Zedd’s staff in front of Zordon’s broken energy tube is amazing. Serves as a great ominous picture for readers to be drawn in.”

Mighty Morphin – 6

Power Rangers – 7

The Story

So, how did Yale find the Omega Rangers?

Turns out, when Yale got the Omega Blue powers, he asked Arkon for help finding the Rangers. They went to use the Master Arch from the Necessary Evil arc, which strangely was open already to the Rangers’ location.

After the Rangers return to Safehaven, Trini attempts to repair the damage to Xi but then notices a bunch of distress calls from Earth. More specifically, calls from Tommy, telling them that Zordon is dead and they need help to defend Earth from the Eltarians’ attack.

The Omega Rangers teleport to Promethea and team up with the 6 Rangers there to fend off the Eltarian army. However, their efforts seemingly show up in vain when the Empyreals arrive and use their power to completely destroy Promethea. In the ruins, Jason, Yale, Rocky, Adam, and Kim are forced to teleport out of there, leaving Zack, Trini, Tommy, Aisha, and Matt’s whereabouts unknown.

As an Empyreal destroys the Moon Palace, seemingly killing Zedd in the process, Billy and Alpha at the Command Center manage to deal with the Eltarian guards and run into Goldar and his gang. As Goldar’s gang prepare to destroy the container with Zordon’s consciousness, Jason teleports in and tells them about the Moon Palace’s destruction and that an Empyreal is coming to the Command Center to blow it up. Realizing they don’t have a choice, all of them teleport through the Master Arch to Safehaven.

And, at the moment of the Command Center’s destruction, it seems like the war is already over…

Ending Thoughts

The real Eltarian War kicks off in a huge way.

It’s no surprise that Zartus “wins” so quickly. He has a lot of power on his side and to not have him be immediately established as one of the most powerful threats to our heroes after all of this buildup, it would’ve been disappointing.

So, this issue is action-packed with our heroes scrambling to get their bearings against the alien invasion. And, so the action sequences here are chaotic. There’s a lot to keep track of and the artwork doesn’t disappoint, keeping all of the motion of the fighting simple. We have a full cast of 11 Rangers here to work with against an entire army. It’s something special to note for this event that even though we’ve seen both teams work together back in Necessary Evil, their fight sequences were fairly separated. So, it’s fun to see all of these combinations together, especially with Yale as this new factor.

And, even in the middle of all of this, in classic Power Rangers fashion, we get character moments from the wide cast of both series. Alpha defending Billy on his own, Baboo realizing that the Rangers aren’t liars, everyone loving Yale, even Bulk and Skull somehow getting involved in the mix. It utilizes the character development from both series and mixes their chemistry well to keep readers involved in all of the action from this single issue.

Power Rangers #13 is where the real war against Eltar begins where the war already has a victor with our heroes taking many losses, but there’s still hope for a scattered group of Rangers and aliens to save the day.

Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid

  • In more points to add to the list against Matt, calling Eltarians “blue faces” and taking off his helmet in the middle of an active battlefield.
  • Honestly, Zartus, how would you know our skin is soft? Who have you touched? And, what’s wrong with soft skin?!
  • “I mean, the insects on your planet are tougher than you’ll ever be.” Ok, Vrak.
  • I’m assuming Bulk and Skull will somehow survive the Empyreal’s attack, giving us more proof that they are amazing.
  • Gotta love the line “Unlike our weekly alien invasions”.
  • Also, gotta love Finster’s gun is just a generic sci-fi gun.