(BOOM! Comics) Mighty Morphin #13 Review

(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com


The Eltarian War finally begins. But, before we get into it, let’s take a moment to reflect on what happened before.

It’s been one full year since both Mighty Morphin #1 and Power Rangers #1 were released in comic stores everywhere. 12 months, 12 issues of Unlimited Power. What’s the verdict for both series so far?


Even though both series have the same writer, Ryan Parrott, each series has its own approach to the story, similar to the MMPR series and the GGPR series. Mighty Morphin has the main elements and buildup to the Eltarian War arc, using multiple issues to interweave character arcs and dynamics to tell a larger narrative. And, as much as it’s the series strength, it’s also part of the series’ weakness as well.

You see, the drawback to a serialized comic series is that sometimes, individual issues are more focused on being set up for a larger portion of the story. While it can be decent on its own, it’s not as special unless you can see the whole picture. You have to create enough intrigue for readers to want to see a storyline through to the end. And, for Mighty Morphin readers, we had to wait an entire year to see where this is going (even longer for those who read the last few issues of MMPR). That’s one month of waiting between issues. If a certain storyline isn’t grabbing you (like how the Matt storyline has been for me personally), it’s exhausting to wait little by little to see it through to the end.

With Power Rangers, the series’ strength is more than the unique atmosphere and environments compared to Mighty Morphin’s. The only real overarching storyline to the series so far is the Rangers figuring out how to destroy the Empyreals. There may be an overlap of story elements from time to time, but each issue is its own individual story and can stand better on its own as a result.

Both series are strong and well-written, but personally? Power Rangers has been the series that has had consistently good results.

The Cover

(Glad to see that they finally started putting the title of the arc onto the covers. You have no idea how much that can help readers organize their issues.)

Anyway, there’s no contest with this one. As much as I love the bright and energetic look of our four Omega Rangers together, the pure imagery of Zedd’s staff in front of Zordon’s broken energy tube is amazing. Serves as a great ominous picture for readers to be drawn in.

The Story

Going to Flashback Land, on the planet Ilvayx, the Guardians of Eltar find a bunch of their local priests massacred with only one survivor, Vronin. Vronin tells the Guardians that around a year ago, a being covered in scars was taken into the priests’ home and given sanctuary. During this time, that being watched over the priests and learned all of their magic spells and incantations. Eventually, it used those teachings to challenge everyone there, destroying them all. That being is the one radiator face we know from the latest season of Power Rangers Dino Fury… Zedd.

Back in the present, as Zartus says goodbye to his old friend, he notices Billy’s glasses on the floor nearby. Zartus orders his soldiers to search for Billy and Alpha while he returns to his ship. Meanwhile, Kim, Rocky, and Adam hold their own against the Sentry Force Four long enough to teleport to safety and regroup. In the Moon Palace, Zartus warns Zedd not to interfere with his plans, but Zedd tells him that even without his interference, Zartus’s plans will fail. Hearing about what happened to Zordon, Zedd sends his crew of monsters to the Command Center and instructs Finster to do a special task.

At the Command Center, it’s revealed that after learning about the Zordon in Drakkon’s world, Billy installed a backup system to hold Zordon if his containment chamber was ever destroyed. As Billy boots it up, he is zapped from behind by a squad of Eltarian soldiers, leaving Alpha defenseless against them. At the Juice Bar, Skull is ready to give up on ever finding Candice when news reports Eltarian ships invading. Since Candice disappeared during the last alien attack, the duo decides to head in there with their cameras and see if she shows up.

Where are those ships heading?

Straight to Promethea, where Rocky, Kim, and Adam inform Tommy and Aisha of the situation.

Grace tells them about the ships heading straight for them and using technology that prevents the Rangers to teleport away. As the Rangers learn about what happened to Zordon, Grace states that whether they like it or not, she’s in charge now. And now, it is these 6 Rangers against the alien army waiting outside…

Ending Thoughts

Gotta say, for the beginning of a war, I’m feeling pretty chill now.

This is a good setup issue for more of the story. The Billy and Alpha storyline is a cool connection to the events of the previous comics, showing even more development from Billy, having more secret projects to stop any bad scenario. The possibility of Zordon’s “death” isn’t given that much weight to it since we’re in a fast-paced situation and as readers, we already know he will be brought back soon. And, though I assume it won’t be for long, it will be cool to see what Grace’s presence does for leading the Rangers.

It’s good to see Bulk and Skull’s storyline pop up again. The conversation between Zartus and Zedd definitely highlights Zedd’s character and shows he knows exactly who he’s been dealing with for so long. The fight scene with the Sentry Force Four is also a highlight here. We get to see more of their unique abilities and add a little bit more to their characters. And, it’s also where the art shines for the issue, being colorful and flashy and keeping readers’ attention.

Mighty Morphin #13 begins the Eltarian War with our Rangers and their allies cornered, forcing them into one big fight against an alien armada.

Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid

  • By the way, I still can’t believe I didn’t know Lord Zedd returned in Dino Fury for at least a month. I could’ve made so many jokes about that. Expect me to just drop that fact for a while.
  • I know there’s honor and all of that. But, did every student there really go one-on-one against Zedd instead of trying to combine their magic together? I’m just saying, I’d hope you were taught better than that.
  • Alpha has a mouth… Did Alpha always have a mouth? Because now I can’t unsee it. The red visor part is supposed to be just have a black border around it, right? I am now questioning everything.
  • Rocky, no offense, but I don’t trust you to fight anyone else that doesn’t use a sword.
  • I’ve always spelled it Aquitan.
  • Nothing’s wrong with celebrating ignorance.
  • Zedd’s conversation with Zartus reminds me of the scene in Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie when Rita tells Divatox to run if she’s dealing with the Power Rangers.