(BOOM! Comics) MMPR #54 Review

(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com


MMPR #54. On one planet, we got giant alien monsters wrecking a city. On another, the planet is literally about to be destroyed. But, don’t worry. We only have five minutes!

The Cover

A pretty decent shot of the Omega Rangers being attacked by our brand new villain. It’s good.

The Story

Back on the planet Gorvinos 3, the Omega Rangers meet face to face with the enemy that destroyed the entire planet: the Empyreal. The Empyreal claims that he destroyed all life on the planet to have the planet begin anew and begin the cycle of creation, a cycle he plans on doing with many more planets. All in the name of his master…

The Rangers attack him, but all of their attacks are thwarted by the Empyreal using the planet itself, resulting in a giant lava monster. With the help of Xi, the Omega Rangers summon their Zords and defeat it. They try to locate the Empyreal after the fight, but it has disappeared.

The Rangers take the only Gorvinians in the universe back to Safehaven and comfort them over the loss of their planet. As Xi reasons that this is only the beginning of the Empyreal’s attacks, Jason instructs Xi to set a course for Earth, hoping Zordon has an idea on what to do next.

Ending Thoughts

Alright. MMPR #54 is alright.

It does do a good job for our new villain for the next series, showing a bit of their motivation and teasing their “master”. It also gives emotional motivation as to why the Omega Rangers are going to continue their fight against evil. This issue’s main problem, though, is its pacing.

There’s almost nothing here story-wise, the entire issue being one long fight scene. It showed nothing for the main team or whatever new Green Ranger we might be getting next issue, leaving me worried that the final issue might be rushed. And, honestly, there’s not even a justified reason to do this. The Zord fight, while fun and beautifully drawn, could’ve been easily cut out since it did little to nothing for even this story. Realistically, all this issue did was act as a prelude to the next series.

Reading this in a trade, these issues will be slightly alleviated, where it’s easier to jump between plot points, but having this story interrupt the flow of the last issue and serve as the penultimate issue of the series feels slightly disappointing.

This was MMPR #54: “A New Evil”. One more issue to go…

Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid

  • If anything, at least this issue confirms the Unlocked story variants was important for the series. But still, WHERE IS THE YELLOW EMISSARY?!