(BOOM! Comics) MMPR #53 Review

(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com


MMPR #53. This was released the week of National Power Rangers Day so this has to be good!

The Cover

A full promo shot for our new Dark Rangers and rather than a generic background, they’re in a place filled with destruction. It works and that’s all I can say.

The Story

We got bamboozled.

The Rita that appeared in the ending of MMPR #51 was actually one of Finster’s clay creations. Nevertheless, Lord Zedd grants the Dark Red Ranger powers to her. Back on Earth, Billy and Grace have completed their secret project: fully reenergizing the Dragon Power Coin. However, before Billy can tell Zordon the good news, Grace convinces him that they should give the coin to someone of their choice. Billy doesn’t like how calculated Grace’s choices are and wants someone they can trust on the team, which leads Grace to only one candidate, Drakkon.

Angel Grove High is having a field trip downtown when the Dark Rangers suddenly appear. The Mighty Morphin’ team teleport to the scene and confront them. They try fighting them one-on-one, but the Dark Rangers powers’ turn out to be a greater challenge than they anticipated. While Tommy holds his own against the Red Dark Ranger, the rest of the Rangers have to use their Power Blasters to keep Goldar and his gang at arms’ length. Zedd decides his Dark Rangers need a helping hand and calls forth the Dark Rangers’ Terrorzords.

Ending Thoughts

This issue is mostly straight-on action. The only character focus is for both Billy and Grace, but mostly for Grace. It shows us Grace’s distrust for Zordon by wanting to recruit her own Ranger and her determination to do what is necessary. Even though, it’s the type of stuff we’ve seen before.

The bulk of the comic is in the fight between the Rangers and the Dark Rangers. Even though I’m still not 100% on board with the Dark Rangers, it’s a visually unique battle where Rangers separate and fight different monsters on their own. And, because of the Dark Rangers’ nature, you actually get to see some wicked imagery you don’t see in Power Rangers like Baboo grabbing Adam from the wall or anti-Rita breaking Tommy. It’s balanced out by some fun dialogue bits like Rocky realizing he has to be the one to call out the attack or Squatt questioning whether or not he’s winning.

Art-wise, again, it’s all centered on the action setpieces. There’s a great range of motion, both for the background and the characters when it comes to all of the unique attacks the Dark Rangers have. Also, although we’ve seen the Rangers fight in a city environment before, each location for each battle is unique and shows more range than a simple fight in the streets. And, on a more personal level, I love the designs of the Terrorzords. With their motifs, they work as evil counterparts to the Rangers’ Thunderzords. Each monster design is so amazing and unique, it feels like I could remember each one even without their respective colors.

This was MMPR #53: “The Dark Rangers”. Two more issues to go…

Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid

  • This is only the second time Finster got to make a duplicate out of a Putty. Remember Matt? 
  • Haha! All 3 VR Troopers are on Grace’s list for potential Green Ranger candidates. That’s so cool! Is this the first time we’ve had any confirmation that VR Troopers and Power Rangers are in the same universe? 
  • Also, JB and Katelyn are great candidates. Ryan’s not. Because you know that after any conversation he has, he’s just going to go straight to that temple! 
  • Also, I tried looking up the other names on Google to see if there’s any reference there. “R. Wagner” might be a reference to Richard Wagner, a German composer, and now I’m wondering if Grace made a choice for a Ranger candidate solely based on whether they can play music with the Dragon Dagger. 
  • I get what Grace is saying, that sometimes you need to resort to desperate measures to get results, but it’s like she’s purposefully ignoring Billy constantly saying that Drakkon is now coo-coo for cocoa puffs.
  • I forgot to mention that Bulk and Skull got a funny moment in this issue, too.
  • Dark Rangers’ Morphers are literally just 2017 Movie Morphers.
  • Favorite Terrorzord? The blue one. First of all, it reminds me of the Andalites from Animorphs. Secondly, its design is the most unique with multiple eyes. Also, the other Zord monster types are more common in other media. We don’t really get centaur monsters anymore.