(BOOM! Comics) MMPR #52 Review

(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
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MMPR #52. No mind-blowing revelation from the last issue so let’s see if this issue makes up for it.

The Cover

“That’s right… I’m the one running Hasbro right now!” 

Man, every cover with an unmorphed Drakkon is just pure meme material.

The Story

On Safehaven, the Omega Rangers are transporting some of the citizens of Safehaven back to their homes. Jason believes that the team’s mission is practically over and they’ll be able to return to Earth soon. Speaking of Earth, Adam and Aisha are given a science project. Aisha’s partnered up with Bulk and Adam’s partnered up with Violet Arias, a student who thinks the Power Rangers are dangerous and should be held accountable for their actions. At the Command Center, Drakkon tries to prod Kim into killing him, but she says that he’s not her kill. 

As the Omega Rangers reach one of their destinations, Gorvinos III, they find the entire planet under attack. The Omega Rangers beam down to the planet and try to find the origin of the attack. As they’re sidetracked by a new group of foot soldiers, Xi warns them that something is coming right at them. The ground suddenly spikes up and the Rangers meet their newest foe… 

Ending Thoughts

There are two main components of this story.

For the MMPR team, it’s all character focus. It’s cool that Violet, a character from the early issues of Go Go, was brought back. She had a lot of screen time with Zack so it’s interesting to see her interacting with Adam. But, as a storyline, we’ll see where it goes. Kim’s scene with Drakkon was even more chilling than Billy’s scene with him the last issue. How he alludes to Anti-Kim doing the same thing, how he picks just the right secrets that even the readers will question whenever she has done it or not. And, then the moment where she aims her bow… you could feel the tension coming.

For the Omega Ranger team, it’s mostly an action setpiece, but it’s great that we can see more of the Omega Rangers working together, especially since we’re now missing a member. And, while the Unlocked variant story was an interesting method to tease this new villain, this issue was the one I was most interested in learning all about this villain. Someone that’s connected to the Morphin’ Grid, that can create regenerative footsoldiers out of thin air, that has the power-equivalent of Serpentera? I’m now invested in seeing what adventure the Omega Rangers are about to have.

This was MMPR #52: “Enemy of My Enemy”. Three more issues to go…

Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid

  • By the way, the synopsis for this issue…? Yeah, not entirely true. I think it’s a case of the writer sending in an early draft of the synopsis before they complete the story. Happens all the time.
  • We got some major Jason love in the beginning, just like Tommy in the last issue… Like, I always say. I watch Power Rangers for the plot…
  • Also, Jason using extra gravity in the spaceship to train. Tell me that isn’t something from Dragon Ball Z.
  • Ok, no offense, but compared to her earlier appearance, Violet looks even more like a librarian here, which makes her feel older than she is.
  • Also, I want to see the conversation about how the Power Rangers were just magically brought up because if it was something like Adam bragging about their accomplishments, I’ll roll my eyes.