Power Rangers Beast Morphers Episode 6-8 Titles & Descriptions Released

(Source: The Cable Forum & Burgundy Ranger)

Episode Titles & Descriptions for Episode 6-8 of Power Rangers Beast Morphers have been released.

Power Rangers Beast Morphers airs Every Saturday @ 8am Eastern on Nickelodeon!

Episode 6
Hangar Heist

Airs: 04/13/19
Nate develops new technology from a captured Gigadrone and Devon struggles with fully trusting his team.

Episode 7
A Friend Indeed

Airs: 04/20/19
Evox targets the Beast Bots to stop the Beast Morphers Rangers from forming their Megazord.

Episode 8
The Cybergate Opens

Airs: 04/27/19
Scrozzle executes his plan to finally free Evox from the Cyber Dimension and the Beast Morphers Rangers, along with an unexpected friend, must do everything in their power to stop him.