Judd “Chip” Lynn To Continue Role As Showrunner For Power Rangers Beast Morphers!

(Source: ThatHashtagShow, Image: NeoSabanPowerRangers)

Judd Lynn, or as we lovingly have known him as “Chip,” has been slated to return to Power Rangers’ 26th season, Beast Morphers; according to That Hashtag Show to “maintain a familiar feel of Power Rangers.

Chip, who is best known for his triumphs during Power Rangers In Space, Time Force and RPM was also brought on after the disappointment that was the 20th Anniversary Seasons of Megaforce and Super Megaforce. He brought new life to the series with Power Rangers Dino Charge which many will argue was the best season that the Neo-Saban Era has to offer. However, many will also say that, as so many Super Seasons do, Dino Super Charge saw a lull towards the end that only bled into Ninja Steel & Super Ninja Steel.

Recently at Super Hero Summer Fest: That Hashtag Show hosted a panel with Power Rangers from the past.
Davi Santos, aka Ivan the Gold Ranger, confirmed that Chip Lynn would be returning to the show:

“Chip Lynn is still part of the Executive Producing team and if you don’t know, Chip was there for the original Power Rangers series. He was there for Dino Charge and of course, afterwords for Ninja Steel, so and Time Force, so I feel that there will be an consistency that we’re used to because of Chip,”

Hasbro is clearly taking a different road with going backwards in Sentai, with the toys and with an interesting new formula for Power Rangers. Chip also was clearly involved in the production of Beast Morphers and the casting process, so it seems prudent to keep him aboard!
Let’s hope that the magic of originality returns to Power Rangers as it had with Dino Charge and not a repeat of the same old as we have seen with Ninja Steel. Hopefully, Chip has a card up his sleeve!

What do you think of the announcement that Chip Lynn is continuing his reign on Power Rangers?
Will this mean more amazing original stories or more awful fart jokes?