Madame Odius & Spinferno Figures Spotted in “Good VS Evil” Packs

(Source: RangerBoard User, Jominicano)

Thanks to a RangerBoard user-sourced above it was finally revealed that the Madame Odius and Spinferno figures have finally been released!
The figures were found in a Las Vegas Walmart.
The figures are found in the “Good VS Evil” 2 Packs which are being referred to as the “Legacy Collection” for some reason as they are not of Legacy standard. Which we know come at a higher quality and higher price point.
However, here are the breakdowns of the VS packages!

Mystic Force Red Ranger VS Dino Charge’s Spellbinder
Dino Super Charge Silver Ranger VS Doomwing
Ninja Steel Yellow Ranger VS Spinferno
Lunar Wolf Ranger VS Ninja Steel’s Madame Odius

Let the hunt begin! I know I’ll be looking out for Spinferno and Madame Odius the most!