(BOOM! Comics) MMPR #23 Review

(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com


The Illuminati, government-like agents being super-shady, and a shirtless man.

Perfect for Power Rangers.

The Cover

Great cover. It has excellent lighting and framing on its characters, beautiful details on the Megazords and the background, and enough intrigue and excitement to draw potential readers in. The only gripe I have with it is I wish Grace’s mechazord was drawn in a different pose so we can see it in action more. (That, and it’s just a total tease. It’s not an actual part of the story. Or at least this issue.)

The Story

Rita, Squatt, and Baboo return to the Moon Palace and decide that before they launch an attack on Earth, they need to find Finster first. On the ground, the Rangers are fighting one of Finster’s monsters, an Illuminati-themed sheep monster called Sheeple (By the way, yes. This is amazing as it sounds) Billy uses a surprising, but simple method to defeat the monster, but before the Rangers can catch their breath, Zordon tells them that they need to teleport to Vancouver fast.

At Vancouver, Promethea gets a monster signal, but they can only get the monster’s location from a four-block radius. So, Grace orders Promethea soldiers to detain EVERY citizen in the city. The Rangers naturally disagree with this, but Grace points out that there’s nothing else they can do. Meanwhile, Finster escapes his containment cell by breaking his glasses… It makes more sense when you read it. Trust me.

At Promethea, Billy gives Trini a short-range monster locator he made and she teleports it back to the others. After talking to Andrea, Billy realizes that Promethea is definitely hiding something. Exploring the facility, Billy finds a super-secret room and teleports inside.

You know what would’ve made this reveal better? If he didn’t have that belt on his pecs. We’ve seen full-on shirtless people in Power Rangers before. Why can’t we have it now? It’d be a great way to honor the 25th anniversary!

Ending Thoughts

I would recommend this issue just because of Sheeple. He’s not only the most creative and entertaining monster of the week from this series but possibly of the entire franchise. Definitely in the top 10. Even without him, I’d still recommend it, especially if you’re a fan of Billy.

This comic showcased all areas of Billy’s intelligence, from him defeating a monster on his own, to creating the tech the Rangers need, to figuring out that the super-shady organization is super-shady. He’s just shown in an amazing light here and I love it. Oh, yeah and the Rita and Finster stuff is fine too…

MMPR #23 is integral to the overall plot but serves as an enjoyable comic book on its own.

Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid

  • If anything from this comic, I, at least, learned that there are conspiracy theories that there’s only one Olsen twin and that Paul McCartney apparently died.
  • Why does Grace have a full plate of fruit on her desk? Who does that? (And don’t tell me it’s just plastic. An entire apple is finished)
  • Zack apparently went to New York before or else, how did he know what directions to give to that female civilian?
  • It’s worth noting that there are some fun references in some of the New York backgrounds. Did you know that Kyle Higgins, in addition to being a comic book writer, is also a great shoe salesman?
  • Y’know, you can’t just say a room is off-limits, have one of your soldier buddies constantly aiming a gun at a superhero and just expect him to just follow your rules, dude. You should get fired for that.
  • I am really trying to rack my head to think if there was ever a shirtless scene in any of these Boom PR comics so far. I feel like I would’ve remembered it if they did…