(BOOM! Comics) Go Go Power Rangers #6 Review

(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com



Thanks to petty pretty Putty, Rita is causing, like, some total high-school drama between our heroes. Now, Jason knows Trini has a crush on him and rather than talking it out with her (you know, like any reasonable person would), he’s starting to be a total jerk towards the team. Will the Rangers find out they’re being played before it’s too late?

FIND OUT NOW (or in a couple of issues from now)…

The Cover

Something I’ve forgotten to mention in previous reviews is that there are a lot of variant covers for this series that have the Rangers take the place of various 80s’ movies icons. In this case, this is supposed to match the poster to the movie “Adventures in Babysitting”.

There’s nothing wrong with this approach. It’s fine. For me personally, though, I have never seen any of these movies, much less looked at their movie posters. So, there’s no real connection for me to these covers. Not to mention, this cover isn’t that overt in homaging “Adventures in Babysitting” so for any casual fan looking at this cover, it seems random. (Unless they’re thinking that the Rangers are climbing on Rita’s Palace 60s Batman style)

The Story

In Flashback Land, on the planet Myrgo, a couple gives Rita their only baby just to save their own butts. Even Rita admits that that’s too evil and sends the parents to the dungeon. But, she still keeps the baby and names him “Squatt”.

Back to the present, everyone’s working on dating drama. Jason tries to confront Trini about her crush on him, but chickens out. Zack finds out his secret admirer is a Violet Arias, a girl that Zack doesn’t seem to have that much interest in. Bulk and Skull are surprisingly getting both votes and dates for homecoming.

 And at night, “Matthew” takes “his” family out to a drive-in, but Goldar and a squadron of Putties attack them. Zordon alerts the Rangers, including Billy, who’s currently at his Promethea internship meeting. Billy leaves after he gets the call, but tells the Promethea board his feelings of not having a place among his friends and hopes that Promethea has a place for him.

At the battle, “Matthew” tells the Putties to back off and not attack Matthew’s little sister, which Zack notices. Billy teleports in the fight, but Goldar catches him and tries to get the Rangers to surrender. Luckily, “Matthew” rams a mini-van into Goldar, saving the day and Billy’s life.

…”It’s crazy how someone would steal the van.”

At the Command Center, tensions with the team rise when Jason gives Billy a hard time for coming late to the fight and Kim is getting annoyed that their loved ones are getting attacked by Rita directly and they don’t even know why. The Super-Putty simply explains to Rita that his whole “hit-and-run accident with Goldar” was simply to throw Zack’s suspicion from him/her. However, both Rita and the Super-Putty are having doubts as to whether or not he/she/it is starting to switch sides. Later, after “Matthew” wins the homecoming game, Billy gives Kim a proposition.

“… Gee, what could possibly go wrong?”

Ending Thoughts

I had trouble writing the story recap for this issue because so much happened with character moments, with action, with the plot, with everything basically.

This issue gave us Squatt’s backstory, a possible redemption arc for the Super-Putty, strong character interactions for all of the Rangers, and some fun Bulk and Skull stuff that isn’t annoying (yet). And what I love the most about this issue, the “twist” ending in this issue is not just something that could have only come from this issue. It’s a plot thread that started from the very beginning, and from all of the events in the first issue to this issue, this is a decision that now affects every Ranger.

There’s not a lot to complain about with this series. Art’s good, the story’s progressing at a smooth pace, character moments are powerful (Billy’s speech here to the Promethea people resonated with me personally. And I wouldn’t be surprised if others felt the same way).

My only real “complaint” with this story so far is that the Super-Putty’s kindness felt too sudden. I’m a fan of “aliens learning about humanity” stories and I would’ve like to see more of the Super-Putty learning about humanity before protecting one of them. Last issue, he/she/it manipulated Jason into distancing himself from the team. First scene in this issue, they’re talking about everyone loving popcorn. I understand in-universe why it did what it did, but I would’ve liked to see more of it before it happened.

Otherwise, Go Go Power Rangers #6 is just another great addition to an overall great series.

Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid

  • Redga Two, Tarmac Three, and Myrgo are all established planets in the PR universe… Why weren’t they named something more sensible like “Sentai 6”?
  • Just think, in universe, Bulk is the one to design the PR thunderbolt. Or, at least, was the first to pay someone else to do it.
  • Billy and the mini-van might’ve been unintentional, I might be looking too deep into it. I don’t care. I’ll still think it’s a reference to the 2017 movie.
  • Billy’s hair was combed back during the interview. After the fight, his hair is perfectly messy. I guess Kim wasn’t kidding about having helmet hair.
  • So, the only thing the Super-Putty impostor wore besides the letterman jacket was a shirt with an alien on it. I would complain about it, but honestly, it’s the perfect thing to wear with a group of 5 teenagers who wear the same colors as the Power Rangers… It’s hiding in plain sight…