(BOOM! Comics) MMPR #15 Review

(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com


If you haven’t guessed it already, every 5 issues of this series is basically a “filler comic”. But, they still do tie in to the storyline in some way or another. Issue 5 introduced the concept of the Green Ranger and the Black Dragon into the universe. Issue 10 wasn’t a strong tie to the storyline, but it did give the readers a stronger emotional connection to Billy, which was needed, considering what happens to his alternate counterpart.

This filler will focus on Zordon. Zordon, if you didn’t know, is a 10,000 + year-old wizard from another planet who was trapped in a time loop by a witch from the moon and is only tethered to our time by a robot. (Yeah, it’s a little weird, but that’s all you need to know.)

The Cover

Zordon’s POV looking down on the Rangers and the Command Center with his smiling reflection in the tube. Simple yet effective.

The Story

Recall the ending of Issue #4. A portal opened in the Command Center, somehow causing the place to explode and cutting Zordon’s link to the Command Center / Power Rangers, sprawling him in the time loop. Well, something with the portal (I have no idea, it’s kinda unclear) caused Zordon to be “between” our universe and the alternate universe.

From there, Zordon sees the events of the alternate timeline, seeing Tommy and Rita’s destructive acts and everything that the Rangers are doing to try and stop it. Building the Thunderzords, receiving help from the Phantom Ranger and the Blue Senturion, and asking Ninjor to make Saba and the White Ranger’s Zords. However, our Zordon is seriously having doubts about Tommy being good, especially when, during the final battle, Lord Drakkon poisons the alternate Zordon and destroys his energy tube, planning that he’ll die alone, floating in time and space.

Now, in the void of time and space, the alternate Zordon meets the real Zordon and realizes our Zordon is from another reality. Our Zordon asks the alternate Zordon if he regrets anything. He doesn’t and has these final words:

“Good luck, and may the power protect you…always”

For some reason, Zordon begins to “fade” away from the temporal void. However, Saba finds him and uses his connection to the Morphin Grid to keep Zordon tethered. Saba then realizes it’s not the Zordon he was looking for. Zordon tells Saba that other Rangers will arrive to help out and Saba should trust the Tommy from the “normal” world.

During the “final” battle, when Lord Drakkon takes Zack’s morpher, Saba manages to get away from Drakkon and gives Zack a message from our Zordon, telling Zack to keep fighting and that Saba will return with “those who will save the world.” Saba teleports away to hiding while Zack builds the “Coinless”, leading us to where we are now. As Zordon observes everything in this world, he realizes that with all decisions and choices, we need to broaden our perspective.

“Because ‘what could have been’ isn’t always a good thing…”

Ending Thoughts

The art style here is a bit different from the main series, but it’s still great. Daniel Bayliss, the guest artist, just brings so much energy and life into his work. The color palette is just beautiful. It’s totally works with the setting, feeling like it’s a whole new world entirely. Not to mention that there are more creative uses of panel layouts, connecting the art perfectly together.

Now, for the story, it doesn’t advance the main storyline at all (it’s not supposed to), yet, it ties in so much with the backstory of Lord Drakkon’s world. Now, we still don’t know a lot of other important details about Lord Drakkon’s backstory. But, Zordon’s characterization here is what makes the story more important. Zordon is always depicted as a wise, forgiving man. In the TV series, he is always the one who tries to appeal to the good in people like Tommy, Karone, and a bunch of others who I can’t name right now. Now, we see a world where Zordon’s kindness and hope is only met with violence and hate. But, for better or worse, our Zordon is going to believe in the Power Rangers, no matter what happens.

MMPR #15 is a strong issue with fantastic art and amazing character growth. I’d highly recommend it, especially if you’re following the main storyline.

Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid

  • Seeing all of the dead bodies just made me feel sad. Blue Senturion, Ninjor, Alpha…they’re among my favorites so I felt kinda depressed.
  • I don’t know how Tommy can “poison” Zordon. Is Zordon’s tube like a fish tank and you just pour bleach in it…?
  • From synopses on the Internet, it seems that this whole storyline will end next issue. So, any real hope I have of getting any more backstory is gone. With that said, two characters have barely showed up in this alternate universe. And I hope they’re being saved for something more.