(BOOM! Comics) MMPR Pink #6 Review

(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com


I have a lot to say.

It’s the final issue. Time to finally find out if this series is morphinominal or if it’s like Rita, belongs in a dumpster.

The Cover

Kim uses the Sword of Light. That’s it. That’s all the cover tells us. And if you’ve been keeping up with this series, it’s a bit obvious that she’d have to do this to save Zordon’s life. So, besides not telling us practically nothing about the story, is this cover good?

No. The answer is no. It’s just the art style really makes the Rangers’ faces look so…. off. It gives them such weird expressions that you don’t actually want to spend much time with it.

The Story

So, the “main” Rangers are in the Vica Galaxy, fighting for their lives for days, mainly because their Ninja Zords and their communicators are out of commission from a disruptor on Serpentera. But, “our” Rangers arrive to help in the Typhonis Ultrazord.

Insert Image Here. (Sorry, but I can’t get a good enough picture for it.)

The Typhonis Ultrazord then quickly separates, allowing Zack and Trini, piloting the Tor and Titanus zords respectively, to distract Serpentera and destroy the disruptor while Kim, piloting the Typhonis Megazord (with Serge and Britt doing absolutely nothing in the background), covers the “main” Rangers so that they can get to their Megazord. Zack rams Serpentera with Tor and manages to destroy the disruptor but Tor is badly damaged.

Kim plans on buying the “main” Rangers some time so that they can escape out of there, but Tommy insists they’re all getting out of there. The “main” Rangers activate the Ninja MegaFalconzord and both Megazords attack Serpentera once and it instantly goes down. (I think this was more of a letdown than the “Wild Force Rider Incident”.) Anyway, both megazords fly into space and Trini wants to talk to Tommy but Kim doesn’t want to because she feels guilty about not talking to him. Wait, what?

Our Rangers, the ones on Typhonis Airlines, land outside of St. Moineau in the cave from two issues ago. (Why couldn’t they just go straight to the Command Center? Because that’s logical. And we don’t want that now do we?) Kim returns Zordon his energy back and the Sword of Light as well. Zordon and Alpha congratulate the team and give them all Communicators just in case.

But, it’s not over yet.

Kim arrives back home at like midnight when she gets a text from Trini, telling her to meet her and Zack at a coffee shop nearby. There, Trini and Zack decide to go on a little vacation to Paris before heading back to the jungle and Kim promises to keep in touch with them. She also drives her motorcycle to Serge and Britt’s house and promises to stay in touch with them too. However, she still feels guilty about the fact that she had no idea that Tommy was in space.

Flash forward one year later at the Pan Global Games, where we see Kim *sigh* writing Tommy a Dear John letter and riding off into the sunset….

Ending Thoughts

Let’s just talk about the story overall because this last issue is on par with the series overall.

The story by itself is just…there. While it had potential in the beginning, the plot doesn’t have any energy, any motivation, any… emotion behind it. It seemed like the whole comic was just to explain the Dear John letter (a decision that the show made that a lot of fans hated). And, yeah, it didn’t do its job. It actually made things a bit more complicated.

The characters they introduce here leave little to no impression. Verto was a very bland villain with no personality. Serge and Britt contributed practically nothing to the story. But, at least, Serge had more of a personality and had some cool moments. Britt didn’t even have any defining character moments. She was introduced in a cage, I guess that’s one. I legitimately forgot her name at a few moments. She’s that forgettable. Kim’s parents were barely in this story and any effect they could’ve had on Kim was completely removed so I didn’t feel anything for Kim wanting to save them both (And yeah, I know that they were in the series for like one episode. But, to be honest, there was more emotion from Kim wanting to save her parents in that episode than here.)

Zack and Trini’s “romance” was just a very forced way to give them any sort of conclusion. Like I said before, it’s lazy, comes out of nowhere, and is unimpactful to the readers. Now, how does Kim fare? I don’t agree with her “Leather and Motorcycles” phase. It just seems like overcompensation to make her seem more like a leader. I do agree with her personality throughout this series. It seems consistent with what I know, but with her actions with Tommy, I’m still debating whether that’s consistent. It just seems like she wouldn’t be that confused about that aspect of her life.

Let me take one last second about continuity, ok? Because when you’re dealing with a 24-year-old franchise, you have to talk about it. And here, it’s a bit confusing. Let’s get it out of the way for a second that there are cell phones here when this was happening (sort of) in the 90s. There are things that support the continuity like establishing Kim’s Dear John Letter but then there’s stuff that contradict it like Lord Zedd using Z Putties instead of the Tenga soldiers.

I just don’t see what’s the point if this is not continuity. What is the point of trying to establish a more defined conclusion for Zack, Trini, and Kim if it’s not at all in canon with the show? It’s like having the best time of your life and then finding out later it was just a dream. It’s just pointless.

Overall, I don’t recommend this series. The art is just ok (with some very weird slipups especially with facial expressions). The story, like I said, is just there, creating no emotional attachment to the reader. Unless you’re really really interested in Kim and want to see what this story does with her character, stick to the main series.

Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid

  • I don’t know why it took me this long to realize, but the “main” Rangers are using different Power Coins and their outfits are the same. “Our” Rangers use powers from basically the “original” Power Coins and their outfits are totally different.
  • Yo, Kim had a fully functioning Communicator on her and she breaks up with Tommy through a letter.
  • Jason made his appearance in this comic through a text message. He literally phoned it in!
  • “Smoothies make everything better.” This comic was right about one thing. I’m going to get one right now.