(BOOM! Comics) MMPR Pink #5 Review

(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com


It’s the final battle between the Rangers and Verto. Who will win? Who will be destroyed? Who will tell Goldar he needs a breathmint?

The Cover

This is the first cover of this series that just doesn’t in any way interest me. It barely tells me the story – that Kim is going to fight Verto. It doesn’t say anything about Goldar, the new team, the Typhonis Megazord. Nothing.

And usually, even if the characters on the cover are basically doing nothing, the background and the art style do make it somewhat memorable and interesting. This is not one of those covers. The background is bland, the art style doesn’t match the tone of the series, and I might not be a good judge on human proportions, but I’m pretty sure Kim isn’t comfortable with that pose. Seriously, try and recreate it and let me know how that turns out.

The Story

The Rangers are trying to contain Verto’s monsters while Goldar, naturally on the line between being brave and being stupid, attacks Verto while’s he’s in a giant Megazord.  Kimberly tries to help with her Firebird zord, but it’s too damaged to go up against the Typhonis Megazord. Zack and Trini aren’t doing that much to really hurt the Megazord either. Kimberly desperately tries to think of a new plan of attack as Verto is squeezing the life out of Goldar.

Luckily, Alpha contacts the Rangers and sends them the Shark Cycles, now with upgraded flying capabilities because…. reasons.

Kimberly goes all “Lost Galactabeasts” on Typhonis – destroying her cycle into Typhonis and releasing Goldar in the process. As Kimberly falls to the ground, Goldar repays the favor ad saves her. The two head to the Firebird and use the Typhonis to signal the Firebird and recombine so they can gain access to the Megazord while the others distract Verto.

The plan works and Verto, captured, transforms all the fish people back to normal, including Kim’s and Britt and Serge’s families. And they don’t remember a single thing that happened. So Kim’s mom knowing her identity? Not even a thing anymore. It’s almost like that was a completely useless plot point.

Captured, Verto is convinced that Goldar will bring him to Rita, but Goldar is just done with being in this story and kills Verto with his sword in front of Kim and flies off into the new reboot.

She walks back to the group to see Zack and Trini kissing……………….. *stares at screen for hours contemplating*

Anyways, Kimberly contacts Alpha and tells them that their mission is done and they don’t need to be Rangers anymore. However, it’s only the fifth issue, so instead of this story being over, a hologram of the “main” Rangers appears, saying that they’re running out of power in their fight against Rita and Zedd. Alpha 5 manages to get coordinates of the Rangers before the message broke and sends the new team the Tor and Titanus zords. Yeah, remember those guys?

Ending Thoughts

The more and more I read this series, the more and more I see this series as just a professionally-made fanfiction.

Zack and Trini’s romantic development totally comes out of left field. In the show, name one time, one genuine time that they both talked with each other. A bit hard to think one? Actually, there’s the time that he scared her into climbing a rope. So, I guess, true love?

And even if you make the argument that they were both lonely down in South America and got together just because of that, there was still no foreshadowing, no hint of this relationship being a thing. I looked back on the last couple of issues. All of their interactions together seemed like they were just good friends towards each other.

Which, by the way, is something that I thought was over right now and the next issue was just an epilogue to the whole thing, one where characters can just talk together and figure out what their next move in life is. Nope, now we have to save the main Rangers from Rita and Zedd with Tor and Titanus.This all just seems like a development to drag the story for another issue. Also, I kinda don’t see the point of this little fanservice usage and this overall premise when this comic isn’t matching up with the show’s continuity.

But, aside from dragging out the story farther and my above gripes, this was actually an action-packed and entertaining issue.The plan to defeat Verto is actually ingenious and like I said, Goldar being used as a wild card does keep the fight interesting and suspense-driven, making the reader question what he’s going to do next.

I’ll give my full thoughts on this series when the final issue comes out, but coming up next, we take a look at the exciting world of Billy!

Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid

  • No offense to the Tor and Titanus zords, but I want them to be destroyed next issue. At least keep a tiny part of continuity alive.
  • Couldn’t Alpha just teleport the Shark Cycles to the Rangers? From the comic, they’re kinda implying that they flew from Angel Grove all the way to this city.
  • I just realized, what is exactly is the morpher being used for the Rangers? Is it the Sword of Light or is it just inside them for some reason?