Mighty Morphin’ Reboot Casting Sides Found!



The MMPR Reboot Movie is Fast Approaching AND Casting Sides for Jason, Zack, Trini, Billy & Kimberly have been found and purchased thanks to PrometheusUFO!
The lines and plot developments in these sides are pretty interesting including a very random and surprising development for Kimberly. Zack seems like he’s going to be the most stubborn while Trini and Kimberly’s friendship is focused on.
Reading the interactions between Jason and Billy seemed a little awkward and I hope that changes with the final product.I didn’t really care for how Billy is being portrayed in these sides either and I hope that changes as well. It just doesn’t feel like Billy to me and to be honest Zack doesn’t feel too much like Zack either. However, it is interesting that we are getting more depth to the characters we already love so much!
Judge for yourself by reading them by clicking here!