American Horror Story: MMPR 2010 Toy Line

(All Images are NOT mine and were taken from Google)

 One could argue that the year of 2010, during the Mighty Morphin’ reversion, was one of the darkest times in the fandom. So dark it caused Saban Brands to reacquire Power Rangers all together!
As a fan of both the show and the toy lines I must convey that the 2010 Bandai America Toy Line was one of, if not the worst, toy line in the show’s short history. (Honorable mention to the Overdrive Toyline for sure!)
Disney licensed and created with Bandai many insane products from creepy Ranger Cell-Clocks to adding new strange armor or powers to the beloved Mighty Morphin’ Rangers.
Let’s take a look back at some of the horrendous products that Bandai and Disney attempted to sell you.
**Pls note this is not a complete list of 2010 items but they are among some of the very worst.

 Zord Builder is Born


 In 2010, Bandai America introduced us to Zord Builder. During this time there was no real working Zords that you could combine with (until the Samurai Zords debuted the following year). Zord Builder, whether you love it or hate it, has changed or even revolutionized Power Rangers toys and 2010 was the first time it was introduced. Now it is ingrained in all of the Power Rangers Zords; Not all things in 2010 were terrible!

Mix N Morph & Titanus

In 2010 Bandai America began to integrate a new gimmick that had seen popularity with Ben 10.
Mix N Morph allowed the kids to change the appendages with other Rangers or Megazords!
The 2010 Titanus contained a Mix N Morph Base in which a mechanism combines the figures for  you.
Small packs of these “Keys” were also available for purchase.

The Mix N Morph “Morpher”


 I had to put this in parentheses because this is in no way deserves to be called a morpher! Let’s not even discuss that.
This “morpher” went along the lines of the Mix N Morph base and gave you the only translucent Red Ranger Figure, the others came with Titanus.

New 4″ Figures


 For the first time in Power Rangers history the Figures were changed to a much smaller scale. 4″ scale was introduced with these Rangers and included with them were jet-like stands as well as their Power Weapons. The Rangers could wear them as armor or use them as a display piece.
A putty with a Power Blaster, Alpha with Zordon’s tube and of course Goldar were also contained in this series as well.

MMPR Variant Figures

Several variations were released as well during this time period. The Male Rangers with the Dragon Shield, translucent Rangers with silver stands, More Rangers with spinning Power Coins and a further armored Green Ranger. White Ranger was also released in later waves.

Male Ranger Cycles

Cycles have always been problematic especially when the seasons do not actually contain cycles. Usually these items are not made for collectors and therefore are not made to high standards. What’s worse is that in this case instead of using the actual MMPR cycles some strange Zord variations were used. Even for another strange reason, Tommy is riding Trini’s Saber Tooth Tiger?!?!

Action Rangers


Action Rangers featured a different kind of armor added to the Rangers. Green Ranger got a pretty awesome Dragonzord Armored suit and the Black  Ranger got a strange wheeled/horned suit. What is interesting though is although the Ranger figure is hideous it does seem to remind me of a new upcoming weapon in Dino Charge.



 Not much is more atrocious than these waste of plastic. It appears as if Bandai America figured we’d buy anything with the MMPR logo on it. Including these insane clock action figures that look like cell phones……that kind of remind me of something else….?

The “Dragon Dagger” Duo

I, again, had to put this in parentheses. When you think of the 1993 and 2014 Versions of the  Dragon Dagger this is nothing more than an abomination. First, the pricier version is poorly made at best and contains FOR SOME ODD REASON a lightsaber extension…..GROAN.
As well, the Dagger does not even play the appropriate song for the Dragon Dagger.
I can’t even get into how costumey and lame the second Dragon Dagger was.
Does anyone even like these?

The “Chibi” Stylized Figures


 I will agree that this is one of the best things to come out of 2010 line.
The Chibi-Stylized figures were introduced in 2010 and if you were like me you spent the entire year looking for a Pink Ranger and Zedd pack only to realize they would only appear in this Toys R Us exclusive inside the USA. (The White Ranger, Megazord, Dragonzord in Battle Mode and Armored Red Ranger were UK Exclusives as well.)
Sadly, we never saw a Rita and Putty figure but the tradition continues onto this day!

Figure Packs

Some were Disney Exclusives and some were sold in regular retailers. However, these figures are poorly made, cheaper,  on par with the 4″ figures from Super Megaforce. But, what was even stranger was that the Yellow Ranger figure mysteriously gained a skirt. One could say it was a Super Megaforce hint 4 years early!

Training Set


By today’s standards (Samurai-Super Megaforce) this training set looks pretty lame and poorly made!
I barely even have to write anything here.

Dragon – Rangers

Another strange, strange, strange toy released was the “Dragon Ranger” -esque figures that were released in stores and as Disney exclusives.
These toys formed with a particular male Ranger and morphed him with a dragon or bird like creature.

What do you think is the worst toy of 2010?
Do you own any of these?

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